


The Sovereign Plumed Serpent, Yax Kokaj Mut, Itzamnaaj, Zamna, Xpiyacoc, the Heart of the Sea. LG Greater power of knowledge, writing, priesthood (He/Him)

Realm: Ysgard / Ysgard / Wak Chan Witz and Mechanus / The House of Teaching

Pantheon: Maya (pantheon leader)

Symbol: A couatl or serpent

Known Proxies: None known

Itzamna, the Sovereign Plumed Serpent, is a venerable elder among the powersm of any pantheon. He usually prefers to appear in the form of an old man, with ageless wisdom etched into every wrinkle of his face. His obsidian eyes are sharp, and flash like stones glinting in the light, holding a depth of knowledge that’d drown even the most erudite Guvner. He’s got this air of authority about him see, not one that’s intimidating for the sake of it, more like you’re in the presence of something ancient and unfathomable, like the stars themselves.

But that’s not the only face he wears. When he takes on his serpentine guise (or wahy), Itzamna transforms into the spectacular Yax Kokaj Mut, a feathered snake aspect with scales that shimmer in hues of emerald and turquoise, and crowned with plumes that dance like flames in the wind. This form is a reminder that knowledge can be beautiful, but it’s also dangerous—get too close, and you might find yourself on the wrong end of those fangs.

Personality-wise, Itzamna is a curious blend of benevolence and sternness. He’s the kind of deity who’ll gift you with the secrets of the universe, but only if he thinks you’ve got the self-discipline to handle them wisely. He’s patient, yes, but there’s an expectation there—you must learn, grow, and don’t squander the gifts you’ve been given. If you do, well, let’s just say that Yax Kokaj Mut isn’t all plumes and pretty colours. When in his coatl form, he’s less of the grandfatherly type and more of a predator—sharp, decisive, and unforgiving.

Now, as for his philosophy, Itzamna is all about the pursuit of knowledge, but not just for knowledge’s sake. He sees seeking knowledge as a sacred duty, a way to elevate oneself and others in society too. It’s a path to understanding the cosmos, to mastering the art of existence itself. He’s said to have gifted writing and magic to the followers of the Maya pantheon, and thus sparked the start of civilisation on the Prime. In this aspect, Itzamna maintains a great library of enlightenment in Mechanus, called the House of Teaching. He’s a popular patron with the religious members of the Fraternity of Order. But there’s a twist—Itzamnaaj doesn’t just hand out knowledge like candy. He believes in the value of learning through experience, through struggle. It’s why he’s also often found on Ysgard, in his shared realm of Wak Chan Witz, where his lessons can be as brutal as they are enlightening.

Itzamna is married to Ix Chai Chel, and father or grandfather to many of the powers in the Maya pantheon. But here’s the thing that sets Itzamna apart from your run-of-the-mill god of knowledge: he’s a diplomat at heart. Ruler of the Maya pantheon, he’s got a knack for keeping the peace among deities, even preventing a war between his lot and Odin’s. This isn’t just because he’s wise—it’s because he understands the power of balance. Knowledge, after all, isn’t just about knowing things; it’s about knowing how to apply them, when to push and when to pull back. He is allied with other powers of knowledge like Oghma, Thoth and Ganesha.

So, if you’re ever in need of ancient wisdom or have a tricky dispute that needs settling, you could do worse than pray to Itzamna. Just remember, approach his philosophy with respect and a willingness to learn, or you might find yourself face-to-face with the predatory Yax Kokaj Mut—and that’s not an encounter you’d wish upon anyone.

Source: Alexander Crim, whose Planescape Maya Powers are described in this great resource, Alex Roberts and Jon Winter-Holt. Canonwatch: The Maya pantheon is not a part of official Planescape canon.

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