Sparkling Weald

Realm of Perun, the Slavic Power of Thunder and War
Location: Quasi-Elemental Lightning / Sparkling Weald
This realm is a floating forested island drifting through the Plane of Lightning. Oaks (Perun’s favorite trees) are abundant in this forest, and sheep and aurochs roam the fields. On a hill in the middle of the realm sits the wooden fortress of Perun and the houses and camps that hold his petitioners. Said petitioners form a mighty army, always ready to demonstrate their martial prowess. You may also find some more exotic beings here, for Perun has an alliance with jinn and the air elementals. Perun’s army occasionally ventures into Ysgard to compete with its heroic hordes, or travel through the Inner Planes, seeking enemies such as blue dragons and efreeti.
Why visit the Sparkling Weald? It’s true, the realm has few shops (petitioners get all things needed from Svarog’s smithies or from jinn) or bustling markets. However, there’s one thing a cutter could be looking for in this place—the mythical Wells of Strength. Chant goes that just one sip from a well will greatly increases one’s physical might. This effect fades away after one month sure, but it’s said that drinking from a well enough times may make it permanent. Although, obviously, to get to sup from a Well more than one time, a cutter would really have to prove their worth to Perun. Either that or fight off the Well’s mighty guardians, who do not shy from using its water themselves. Miraculously, the water of Strength can even restore atrophied muscles and heal paralysis, which leads some crippled sods to seeking it. Although anyone visiting the plane looking for the Sparkling Weald has also got to survive the Lightning first, of course.
The Sparkling Weald itself provides a refuge from the electrifying atmosphere of the plane, and from some of its more voracious predators. However, there’s one day of the year, when visiting the realm is ill-advised, to put it mildly. In the late summer months on the prime (that’s Zenith, for all ya Outlanders), Perun’s Day is celebrated. On this day, the normally reserved Perun is overcome by into bacchus-like joy and revelry, with a healthy tingle of rage. The blood runs amok throughout the planes, flinging refreshing storms wherever he goes, before returning to his realm to feast. This behaviour rubs off on everyone in the Sparkling Weald too—anyone who holds a blunt weapon, or anyone who is struck by one, will find themselves going berserk. The streets are flooded with bodies as the entire realm becomes the site of a great brawl. Petitioners cannot be permanently hurt on Perun’s Day—which probably only encourages them to behave even more recklessly—but visitors may not get out alive, or at least without some broken bones).
Only Perun’s proxy Flaming Marina seems to be immune to the barminess of Perun’s Day. If a berk find themselves caught up in the madness then this makes Marina their best bet to survive this bizarre festival of violence and excess.
Sources: Margarita and Jon Winter-Holt