Xamon the Palmist

Planar amnizu baatezu [he/him] / Guvner / LE
If you were told that Xamon was a baatezu, you’d be wary, yes? If you also know he was an amnizu, and a conniving one at that, you’d be on your way pretty sharp, right? How Xamon manages to keep his business afloat then, is a mystery.
The amnizu’s a palmist fortune teller, for what it’s worth. Of course, it ain’t that simple, cutter. Or maybe that’s it. See, most palmists read the lines on your hands, and tell you your fortune from the way they crisscross and branch. Seems a little tenuous, perhaps, but I’m assured it works. There are lines for everything, berk; life, love, jink, you name it, and there’s some barmy crease of your hand that represents it (assuming you’ve actually got hands, though the chant is that tentacles will do just as well).
What happens, then if you’ve got lines which predict bad things? Maybe your life line’s short, and your head line’s shallow. Does this mean you’ll die young and be an addle-cove? According to Xamon, yes. For those of us who do possess these unlucky palm marks however, help is at hand. For a modest garnish of jink, Xamon will alter those offending lines on your palm. With a knife.
The baatezu assures clients it doesn’t hurt too much (though if the screams from the dark recesses of his tent were anything to go by, that’s an out-and-out lie), and that they’ll be able to hold things again within a week. Small price to pay, you’d think, for a lifetime of secure bliss. Well, maybe. See cutter, it seems to depend on how much you’re willing to garnish the fiend as to how good your future gets. You’d better pray he doesn’t ‘slip’ while he’s chiselling away at your flesh. For all you know, the sodding amnizu might be making things worse; after all, there’s no palm-carving schools in Sigil. Where’d he learn his trade? It’s probably best not to ask.
The chant also goes that Xamon practices phrenology; that’s fortune-telling by reading the bumps on a cutter’s head. You guessed it already: for a fee the bloodthirsty baatezu’ll sort a sod out with a few more choice-placed lumps, with a hammer. Kind blood, ain’t he? You know, there’s probably not a baatezu who enjoys his line of work more.
Fee: From 1 gold upwards, paid before the carving starts. It’s not recommended to give less than ten.
Further Reading: More fortune tellers are described here: Fortune Sellers.
Source: Jon Winter-Holt