The Cager and the Goristro
The Cager and the Goristro

The Cager and the Goristro

Lyrics by Phil Smith, Audible Glamer by Jon Winter-Holt

Download the mp3 file here:

The Cager and the Goristro

“How do I keep a goristro?” asked a Cager one day,
“For I won ‘im this morning and I don’t know the way!”
“That’s easy,” said a tiefling, scratching his scales,
“You feed ‘im on dolphins and hump-backed whales!”

“Is that how I keep ya?” asked the man to his pet,
And the goristro shook his head.

“How do I keep a goristro?” asked a Cager in the street,
“For ‘e’s looking ‘ungry, an’ he’s got to eat!”
“You berk!” said a Chaosman, rubbing his eyes,
“Chicken you goristro feed a on wings and thighs!”
“Is THAT how I keep ya?” asked the Cager to his pet
And the Goristro shook his head.

“How do I keep a goristro?” asked the man in the Gym,
“For I won him a week back, and I still ain’t fed ‘im!”
“No sweat,” said a Cipher, contemplating her navel,
“Just say kind words to him when you’re willing and able.”
“Is that how I keep ya?” asked the Cager with a sigh,
“Oh, you’re shaking your head. I think I know why.”

“How do I keep you?” asked the man to his Tanar’ri,
“I’ve thought for a fortnight, and it’s drivin’ me barmy!”
And then the goristro bit the man on the knee!
And snapped at his arm, “Oh, you want to eat me!?”

“IS THAT HOW I KEEP YA?” he screamed as he fled,
And the goristro nodded his head!

— [ Phil says: ‘With apologies to Terry Jones, whose poem ‘The Boldimun and the Ig’ inspired this!But also apologies to Phil Smith, because his original lyrics where the Cager got eaten were apparently a step too far for Udio’s content filter :]

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