The Inquisition
A Coterie of the Harmonium
The Inquisition (they also call themselves: The Enlightened) have a mission: To track down sinners, to bring them to Buxenus to Imam ‘abd ar-Rahman who judges them for their sins. The sinners are then handed over to fellow hardheads when they’re deemed “recoverable” or given to the Red Death for punishment. Most people in the Harmonium’s ‘reeducation camps’ were arrested by the Enlightened, but since these camps are slowly being taken over by more by-the-book Hardheads, the Inquisition is looking again for new headquarters and for a new playground: The Prime Material Plane.
Well, it seems that Imam ‘abd ar-Rahman’s getting sterner with age, and he has decided that the Inquisition shall focus on Primes from now on. He is training recruits to set up secret bases on any prime world they can have access to and to bring enlightenment to its inhabitants—ie: to seek out the sinners and punish them.
That is the current situation. Given the vastness of this new task, the Inquisition could just disappear. Equally, they might well become a major force within the Harmonium or even break away from their mother faction and become a sect centred on the Prime.
See also Visionaries: Imam ‘abd ar-Rahman
Source: MC Gianni Vacca