The Magic of Dust
The Magic of Dust

The Magic of Dust

Priest Spells of Dust

Dust Missile

(Earth, Conjuration/Summoning) 

School/Sphere: Earth, Combat

Level: 2

Range: 10 yards/level

Components: V, S, M

Area of Effect: 10′ radius sphere from impact point

Casting time: 1

Duration: 1d4 rounds

Saving Throw: See below

This priestly spell creates a missile of elemental dust, which appears as a 9 inch diameter small globe of quickly whirling brown dust. It lasts for up to d4 rounds. (Revealed to caster the round before it expires) the cleric may spend a round to hurl the missile at an enemy.

The cleric makes an attack roll against AC 0, modified by dexterity. A hit causes the missile to explode. The missile deals d8 damage on a successful direct hit. A miss scatters the area of effect within 10 feet of the point of impact, any breathing creatures in the area must save vs. spell at -2 or cough uncontrollably for 1d3 rounds. Exposed scrolls, and open potions are destroyed or ruined within 10 feet of impact point. Paper is torn to shreds by rushing dust, and potions are fouled by the dust.

While coughing, a creature suffers from a +4 penalty to AC, attack and damage rolls are -2 and -3 respectively. No spells may be cast, and complex actions requiring concentration may be impossible, if in doubt, consult the DM. No material component is required, but the caster must have been to the plane of Dust in order to cast this spell. Alternatively, the caster may use any object which has been on Dust as a component.

Wizard Spells of Dust

Irritating Dust

(Dust, Invocation/Evocation) 

Level: 1

Range: 20 yards

Components: V, S, M

Area of Effect: 1d4 creatures in a 10′ cube

Casting time: 1

Duration: 1 round/level

Saving throw: Special

When this spell is cast a cloud of dust stirs in a 10′ cube and 1-4 creatures in this area have the dust settle on them and make them feel uneasy if they fail their save. The dust causes -2 to AC and -1 to hit for the duration of the spell unless the save is made, in which case it only lasts 1 round, or if the creature takes one round to scratch without doing anything else.

The material component for this spell is a pinch of dust.

Dusty Trail

(Dust, Alteration)

Level: 2

Range: Touch

Components: V, S, M

Area of Effect: Special

Casting time: 4

Duration: 1 turn/level

Saving throw: None

This spell causes the recipients’ trail to disappear 1′ behind them. The spell causes dust to be swept so that it disguises the tracks, inflicting a -25% to the tracking ability of anyone who follows. The wizard can affect himself and one more being for every 2 levels, but he needs to touch those he want to affect.

The material components are a small duster and a leaf.

Dust Blind

(Dust, Evocation)

Level: 3

Range: 30 feet

Components: V, S, M

Area of Effect: 1 creature

Casting time: 3

Duration: 2d4 rounds

Saving throw: Special

When cast, a miniature blizzard of swirling dust appears around the target, causing the target to suffer near total blindness and all penalties associated with it. The dust stays for 2-8 rounds, unless a successful save is made, in which case the duration is only 1-4 rounds.

The material component is a desert hawk feather, which is not consumed in the casting.


(Dust, Alteration)

Level: 3

Range: 60 yards

Components: V, S, M

Area of Effect: 10′ cube

Casting time: 5

Duration: Instantaneous

Saving throw: Special

The spell removes all the dust and sand from the area of effect. Although it is a good house cleaning spell it’s main purpose is against things of dust and sand nature.

Any creature of sand and dust within the area of effect must make a saving throw vs. spells or suffer 1-3 points of damage per level of the caster, to a maximum damage of 15d3. If the save is successful then he only suffers half damage. Spells of elemental dust within the 10′ cube are checked as if a Dispel Magic spell was cast on them by a mage of the caster’s level. Magical dusts and sands are affect to as if a Dispel Magic spell was cast on them.

The spell was developed and used by an unknown mage to be used against a rival mage that specialised in dust magic. Ironically the mage was said to have died by the spell known as Dust of the Ancient Tomes that was laid upon the rival mage’s spellbook.

The material components are a small duster and a wind fan (both cost 5 gp).

Traces in the Dust

(Dust, Enchantment/Charm)

Level: 3

Range: 5′

Components: S, M

Area of Effect: Special

Casting time: 1 round

Duration: 10′ radius/3 levels

Saving throw: None

With this spell a mage may enchant a given area in order to identify creatures that pass through it. The caster first spreads fine sea-sand over the area of effect and enchant it, causing the sand to become invisible. Any creature passing through the area will leave a magical imprint in the dust that only the caster may see. The caster, upon seeing the enchanted area, will immediately recognise the race of any creature that passed through the dust. At any later time, the caster may select one set of tracks, causing the enchanted dust to rise and form the precise shape of the specific creature. Every outer physical detail may be viewed and the creature may be recognised. Even small details such as scars and clothing worn may be identified.

Once a set of footprints is chosen and the creature’s shape is viewed, the spell is nullified. Material components include fine sea-sand, or the dust of eagle bones.

Dust Cloud

(Dust, Invocation/Evocation) 

Level: 4

Range: 60 yards

Components: V, S, M

Area of Effect: 10′ radius/level

Casting time: 4

Duration: 1 round/level

Saving throw: Special

After the spell is cast a cloud of dust swirls in the area of effect reducing sight to a mere 1′ range, causing 1 point of damage per level of the caster and causing a penalty of -1 to all rolls. Those in the area of effect get a save vs. breath weapon that if made it reduces damage by half and they suffers no penalty to their rolls.

Material component is a small fan made of paper.


(Dust, Alteration)

Level: 6

Range: 10 yards/level

Components: V, S, M

Area of Effect: 10′ cube/level

Casting time: 5

Duration: Special

Saving throw: Special

When cast the spell turn rock or sand into quicksand of equal volume. The volume is 10′ cube per level of the caster and the depth of the quick sand cannot more than it’s length or breadth (which ever is shorter). Those in the area of effect must save vs. polymorph to escape the area of effect (if fast enough) or to be unaffected by the quicksand for this round (if not fast enough to escape the area of effect). Creatures who fail their save (Note that flyers, if they have undamaged wings, automatically save) sink at a rate of 5′ per round and start suffocating if wholly submerged.

If the creatures’ strength (or HD if they have no strength score) is twice the caster’s then he can escape by him self, moving at a rate of 10′ per round.

The quicksand remains until dispelled or until 1-6 days have passed, in which time it returns to it’s previous form.

The material components are a handful of sand and some water.

Tendrils of Dust

(Dust, Necromancy)

Level: 9

Range: 20 yards/level

Components: V, S, M

Area of Effect: 50′ sphere

Casting time: 1 round

Duration: 1 round/level

Saving throw: Half

The caster of this spell creates a sphere of dust in his hand, from which extend 10 tendrils. The caster can choose to control the tendrils or to do another spell, the dust sphere does not hinder his ability. The tendrils can reach any creature within 50′ of the caster, attaching itself to the creature, preferably to the nose and mouth. Each of the tendrils causes 1d10 points of damage per round. Every round beyond the first the tendril is attached to the same target that person suffers a cumulative -1 to his hit and saves, as he is being gagged with sand and dust. The penalties remain for the same number of rounds that the tendril remained attached or until the victim spends 1 round to get it all out.

The caster can use more than one tendril against a single target in which case the effects are multiplied by the number of tendrils attached to him.

Every round the target gets a save vs. spells to suffer half damage and evade the penalties.

Any creature that dies from this spell will rise as a koylith within 1-4 rounds.

The material components are a bit of bone dust and some flesh from a roper.

Source: All spells by Itzhak Even except Dust Missile, by Lucas Berghaus

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