Pathfinder 1e conversion of bariaur as a playable race.
Bariaur are ovine inhabitants of the Upper Planes, combining features of humans and rams. These natives of Ysgard are herbivorous and generally peaceful in nature, though like many of Ysgard’s residents they enjoy competition and do not fear any battle. Their herds are a common sight on the chaotic side of the Upper Planes as they travel from plane to plane.
A flock of bariaur follows a single leader, stronger or more charismatic than other males in the flock. A leader’s rule is absolute, but younger males who think themselves ready for leadership may challenge him. Such challenges, though, are formal and ritualized, never reckless; bariaurs’ chaotic nature is directed outside of the flock, rather than within it. The loss of a duel of challenge brings no disgrace nor dishonour. A flock holds 5 to 20 males, 10 to 30 females, and 1d12-1 young. Flocks are familial and under normal circumstances never split up. An under-reported aspect of bariaur life is their robust playfulness. They believe that that the two great goods are the advancing of their strong sense of honour and the need to have a good time. The bariaur often meet in shows of friendly rivalry on the great grassy plains of Ysgard. At these festivals they stage singing contests, tell tales, and play an intricate game not unlike polo. Human observers often mistake the rivalry for pride or pettiness, and are often completely flabbergasted when, at the end of a festival, the bariaur depart on the friendliest terms. Even bariaur adventurers on a hard quest may arrange simple contests to remind them of the joy of life. It is a magical moment when a grimly determined bariaur happens on one of his fellows and puts aside his honour-driven quest for a few minutes (or hours) of race and sport. Such events often do them as much good as a night’s sleep. Then they return to their quests. Nothing saddens a bariaur like learning that a companion is sad. These brave creatures fear neither death nor the most monstrous manifestation of the powers of darkness; yet they have been known to journey across the most dangerous planar barriers to visit the sickbed of a valued friend.
Bariaurs are herbivores, feeding on berries, nuts, leaves and other foods gathered in the forests. They do not usually travel from one layer of Ysgard to another, but do so if the food supply in an area warrants a move.

Type: Outsider (native) [3RP]
Size: Medium [0RP]
Base Speed: 40ft [0RP]
Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Str, +2 Con, -2 Cha [1RP]
Automatic Languages: Celestial, Common.
Bonus Languages: Abyssal, Infernal.
Racial Traits:
Defensive Racial Traits:
Spell Resistance: Bariaur have spell resistance equal to 6 + their character level. [2RP]
Iron Will: Bariaur gain a +2 racial bonus to Will saves against spells and spell-like abilities. [1RP]
Feat and Skill Racial Traits:
Perceptive: Bariaur gain a +2 racial bonus on Perception checks. [2RP]
Offensive Racial Traits:
Primary Natural Attack: Gore (1d6) [1RP]
Powerful Charge: Whenever a bariaur charges, it deals twice the number of damage dice with its gore attack plus 1-1/2 times its Strength bonus. [2RP]
Senses Racial Traits:
Darkvision: As outsiders, bariaur can see in the dark up to 60ft.
Other Racial Traits:
Quadruped: Bariaur possess four legs and two arms, granting them a +4 racial bonus to CMD against trip attempts. In addition, they use weapons and armour as if they were Small (instead of Medium). [2RP]
Total RP: 14

Conversion by: Aaron Masters