

[ Guardinals ] [ Custodian | Luminary | Scout | Yeoman ] [ Paragons ]


The King Over the Mountain (planar leonal guardinal companion [he/him] / NG)

Portfolio: Leadership, courage, legacy of heroism

Realm: Elysium / Belierin / Hall of the Slumbering Kings

Kelumarion, the leonal guardinal paragon known as the King Over the Mountain, is a majestic blood who’s the celestial embodiment of the enduring legacy of heroism. Kelumarion is associated with the mysterious Hall of the Slumbering Kings, a legendary repository in Belierin where the greatest mortal champions rest in eternal slumber, awaiting the time when their people will need them again most. Kelumarion is patron and protector of this sacred hall, ensuring that the sleep of its hibernating heroes is undisturbed, and its prophetic purpose is fulfilled. Towering in stature with a golden mane and eyes that radiate authority, Kelumarion represents the pinnacle of leonal virtues: strength tempered by wisdom and ferocity balanced by patience.

His philosophy revolves around inspiring others to rise to their greatest potential, believing that a seed of heroism lies within all beings and just needs to be nurtured through guidance and example. Though he is a formidable warrior when called to battle, Kelumarion’s role as a steward of legends requires him to turn his back on his kin, remaining in the Hall on guard no matter how much he might be needed outside. His sacrifice teaches mortals and celestials alike that true greatness is not only found in daring deeds but also in the legacy one leaves behind to inspire and benefit future generations.

Source: Bestiary 2 [PF1e] p15; The Great Beyond [PF1e] p46-47; Jon Winter-Holt

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