Guardinal Scout, Avoral
Guardinal Scout, Avoral

Guardinal Scout, Avoral

[ Guardinals ] [ Custodian | Luminary | Scout | Yeoman ] [ Unique | Paragons ]

Avoral Guardinal

Who are keen-eyed and eternally vigilant

NG; CR 9

Avoral guardinals are majestic avian celestials, and the vigilant protectors of the skies of Elysium and its surrounding Upper Planes. With their tall, muscular torsos, powerful wings, and sharp talons on their lower legs, avorals are built for grace and precision in flight. Some avorals have beaks, other beak-like noses, and their faces are framed by feather-like hair. Their piercing golden eyes can spot details from miles away, and this makes them exceptional at perceiving threats long before they arise. Their hollow bones and deep chests allow them to soar effortlessly across the skies of Elysium’s layers, from the serene meadows of Amoria to the dense marshes of Belierin. Avorals embody freedom tempered with vigilance, patrolling tirelessly to ensure their celestial home remains untouched by evil while extending their watchfulness to other planes like Bytopia and the Beastlands.

The philosophy of avorals centres on the balance between freedom and responsibility. These cutters believe that goodness flourishes when individuals are set free to act with integrity, but that such freedom must be safeguarded through constant vigilance. To an avoral, awareness is a moral duty; complacency allows evil to fester unchecked. This is what drives their wanderlust and their tireless patrols across the Upper Planes. Unlike more militant guardinals like leonals, avorals prefer subtle intervention—guiding lost planewalkers, warning bashers of impending danger, or dismantling threats before they fully manifest. Their actions are deliberate and compassionate, always seeking to preserve life and harmony rather than resorting to unnecessary violence.

In guardinal society, avorals are interplanar scouts and messengers. Their mobility and keen senses mean they are typically the first responders to threats against Elysium or its allies. They often act as intermediaries between distant regions of the Upper Planes or even between celestial factions like archons and eladrin. Avorals are particularly valued for their ability to traverse dangerous planar boundaries, scouting the edges of the Outlands or venturing into gate-towns like Tradegate or Ecstasy to monitor potential threats from fiendish forces. Their wanderlust is not merely a personal trait but a vital aspect of their service; by exploring the multiverse, they gather intelligence that strengthens Elysium’s defenses.

Variant Avorals

Not all avorals are eagle-humanoids—other avian forms exist, but you probably haven’t heard much about them as it’s only the swift-flying eagle and hawk bloods who patrol the skies. See, avorals also serve as spies in the eternal struggle against evil, and they like to keep that fact secret. While they might lack the stealthy cunning of mustevals or chiropteals, their ability to blend into mortal societies as wandering sages or planewalkers allows them to observe without drawing undue attention. Avorals can also often pass for aasimon or aaracokra, even kenku or tengu.

They are particularly adept at infiltrating areas where evil festers in secrecy—such as corrupt courts or cult enclaves—and using their keen perception to uncover hidden plots. When necessary, they employ their magical abilities to neutralise threats swiftly and decisively. However, avorals always offer mercy when possible, believing that those who stray into darkness can be guided back toward the light.

Their connection to Elysium’s ideals extends beyond martial prowess or scouting abilities; avorals are also deeply spiritual beings who see themselves as stewards of celestial harmony. They often meditate on mountaintops or amidst clouds, seeking communion with the Music of the Spheres—a cosmic melody that binds all good-aligned planes together. This spiritual practice reinforces their commitment to vigilance and reminds them that every action they take resonates across the multiverse like a ripple in a pond. To an avoral, even a single act of kindness or courage can echo far beyond its immediate impact.

Statistics: Planescape Monstrous Compendium Vol 2 [2e] p44 [3e | 5e]; Bestiary 2 [PF1e] p16

Source: Jon Winter-Holt. Canonwatch: Canonically avorals are eagle-humanoids and look relatively human. I thought it would be interesting to expand the definition to more types of birds and make the creatures a little more varied.

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