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Bythos Aeon
Who monitor the timestreams to protect the sanctity of the Dimension of Time
LN; CR 16 [PF1e]

Bythos aeons are towering beings of swirling clouds and mist, shaped into a strange symmetrical form with four arms and an eye-like pattern on their torsos. Despite their vaporous appearance, their 13′ tall bodies feel like dry stone to the touch, and they weigh a hefty 600 pounds. These enigmatic entities serve as guardians of the Dimension of Time, patrolling the multiverse to repair breaches in reality and address abuses of temporal or dimensional magic. Their presence is both awe-inspiring and weird. They appear to glide through the air with an unearthly grace, and communicate wordlessly through psychic projections that convey abstract concepts rather than words.
Philosophically, bythos seek to preserve the sanctity of space and time. They are relentless in their pursuit of harmony, seeking out paradoxes caused by reckless time travellers or temporal distortions created by planar overlap. Bythos are truly impartial arbiters, caring little for the lives or emotions of those they encounter. If a breach in reality is detected, they will assess the situation and act decisively to restore order—whether that means sealing rifts, neutralising offenders, or placing them in temporal stasis. Their ultimate goal is to prevent the unraveling of cosmic stability caused by irresponsible manipulation of time and space.
The abilities of a bythos are formidable indeed. Their confusing gaze can disorient nearby foes leaving them vulnerable to further attacks. They can also age creatures prematurely, potentially killing them if they are already venerable. Most impressively their temporal strike can displace creatures from time entirely, causing them to vanish for several rounds before reappearing as if no time had passed. These powers make bythos aeons highly effective at neutralising threats that disrupt temporal or planar equilibrium, often eliminating offenders before they can cause further damage.
Planewalkers should approach bythos with extreme caution. These aeons are not inherently hostile but will act without hesitation if they perceive an individual as a threat to the multiverse’s balance. Avoid using planar or temporal magic recklessly in their presence, as this is likely to draw their ire. If conflict becomes unavoidable, focus on avoiding their debilitating abilities and seek magic that counters aging effects. Diplomacy is challenging due to their alien mindset, but demonstrating respect for cosmic balance and ceasing any disruptive activities may prevent escalation.
Like all aeons, the desire for maintaining multiversal order align closely with Mechanus’ ideals of order but the bythos travel widely between planes and even through time to seek out disturbances and rectify anomalies. They are particularly drawn to creatures with the power to manipulate fate or travel through time, being able to sense them somehow through the ripples they leave after meddling with events.
Sources: Bestiary 2 [PF1e] p10; Monster Core [PF2e] p10. D&D conversion here [5e]. Canonwatch: In the Greek Qabalah, bythos (βυθός) means depth, or profundity.