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Akhana Aeon
Who monitor the precarious balance between birth and death.
LN; CR 12 [PF1e], Creature 12 [PF2e]

The akhana are mysterious aeons that embody the cosmic balance between birth and death, a duty they fulfil with a mixture of precision and inscrutability. Physically, an akhana appears as a swirling mass of cosmic matter resembling a giant eye, surrounded by four gray arms and a tail-like appendage that pulse with energy. Though their forms appear vaporous and ethereal, they are unexpectedly solid and slimy to the touch. An akhana’s tail serves as a potent weapon, capable of draining vitality from its foes and even dooming a sod by trapping their souls within its body.
Philosophically, Akhanas operate under the principle that life and death are two sides of the same coin, and that keeping both birth and ultimate demise in balance is necessary to maintain the equilibrium of the River of Souls and ultimately, the multiverse. They view life as a powerful yet potentially destabilising force; when unchecked, rapid population growth can lead to chaos that ripples across planes. To address these imbalances, akhanas may either nurture life in precarious places, or prune it through spreading death. They act without malice or compassion, and their decisions often appear arbitrary to outsiders, as akhana do not justify or even explain their actions, and are indifferent to mortal perspectives. This dispassionate approach frequently puts them at odds with entities like psychopomps, who are the cutters who have to deal with the aftermath of the akhana’s interventions.
Akhanas are formidable combatants and manipulators of cosmic forces. Their tail can siphon life essence from grappled foes, potentially trapping their souls in a state akin to trap the soul. They wield divine spells such as harm and heal at will. Additionally, their ability to sprout life allows them to create bursts of simple life forms or choking vegetation in an area, which can harm or hinder enemies. These powers make them both unpredictable allies and dangerous adversaries.
For planewalkers encountering an akhana, caution is paramount. These beings are not inherently hostile but will act decisively if they perceive an imbalance requiring correction. Avoid presenting yourself as a threat to the balance they seek to maintain; instead, demonstrate neutrality or alignment with their goals if possible. Direct confrontation is perilous due to their resilience (including immunity to positive and negative energy) and their ability to heal themselves or others. Chant goes that dying in the presence of an akhana can be dicey; for they have the ability to manipulate the fate of a downed cutter so that they die more quickly—but they can also bestow the possibility of life, should they so desire. If combat becomes unavoidable, focus on disrupting their movements or evading their tail’s deadly grasp.
While akhana hail from Mechanus, they may be encountered anywhere in the multiverse where there is an imbalance in birth and death. For adventurers who encounter akhana, working out their cryptic motives and why they are present might provide insights into larger cosmic patterns—or serve as a warning of impending upheaval in the delicate dance between creation and destruction.
Sources: Bestiary 2 [PF1e] p9; Monster Core [PF2e] p10. Canonwatch: In the Greek Qabalah, akhana means ‘immensity’ and is a second-generation being that emanates from the Bythos.