[ Guardinals ] [ Custodian | Luminary | Scout | Yeoman ] [ Unique | Paragons ]
The Companions, Paragons of the Guardinals
Companion | Portfolio | Guardinal |
Bharnarol †| Creativity, invention, persistence | Loxodontal |
Bharrai * | Compassion, protection, nurture | Ursinal |
Callisto | Wisdom, dignity, diplomacy | Ursinal |
Chavod †| Self-sacrifice, resilience, redemption | Cetaceal |
Eritrice †| Debate, opinions, truth | Leonal |
Glycon ‡ | Healing, fertility, medicine | Reptial |
Halcamora †| Gardens, orchards, wine | Bombyxial |
Hwhyn | Strength, peace, unity | Equinal |
Irez †| Cards, scribes, spells | Reptial |
Jaidz †| Cowards, the untested, youths | Felinal |
Kelumarion †| Leadership, courage, legacy of heroism | Leonal |
Kharash * | Hunting, protection of the wilderness, precision | Lupinal |
Korada †| Meditation, kindness, redemption | Unique |
Lorris †| Charity, the disadvantaged, volunteering | Caninal |
Lucan | Vigilance, patience, persistence | Lupinal |
Lythertida †| Idealism, unrealised potential, young death | Bombyxial |
Manath * | Humility, versatility, wit | Cervidal |
Mazludeh †| Community, negotiation, twilight | Reptial |
Ondisso †| Elevation, incorruptibility, resisting temptation | Bombyxial |
Rhanok | Resilience, redemption, reclamation | Cervidal |
Rowdrosh †| Herd animals, husbandry, shepherds | Cervidal |
Sathia * | Patron of sculptors and painters | Avoral |
Shei †| Age, life, self-actualisation | Ardeidal |
Sixlife †| Reckoning, transformation, eclipse | Felinal |
Talisid * | Guardianship, joy in nature, unity | Leonal |
Taramyth †| Ignition, nurturing, purpose | Vulpinal |
Urhasdea †| Lunar cycles, reflection, sacrifice | Felinal |
Uskyerria †| Hunting, prudence, slumber | Ursinal |
Vhara * | Cultivation, deliberation, devotion | Equinal |
Walks With Golden Stars †| Stars, fortune, harmony | Draconal |
Windheir | Pragmatism, leverage, vision | Avoral |
Ylimancha †| Coastal waters, fisherfolk, flying creatures | Ardeidal |
Zvestra | Adaptation, duality, uncertainty | Avoral |
* one of the Five Companions of Talisid; †from Pathfinder
The most famous of the guardinal paragons are Talisid and the Five Companions, who are known across the Outer Planes as the near mythical defenders of Elysium. Led by Talisid, the Celestial Lion and prince of the guardinals, this group includes the mightiest representatives of their kind: Sky Duchess Sathia the avoral, Bharrai the ursinal, Kharash the lupinal, Duchess Vhara the equinal, and Duke Manath the cervidal. Together, they walk the four layers of Elysium and beyond, protecting good and combating evil with wisdom, strength, and unwavering resolve. Each member exemplifies their kind’s virtues—Sathia’s keen perception, Bharrai’s vast knowledge, Kharash’s relentless pursuit of justice, Vhara’s indomitable spirit, and Manath’s serene compassion—making them revered figures among both mortals and celestials and the subject of bedtime stories even on some parts of the Prime. Their long-lasting unity reflects a core philosophy of guardinals: that goodness thrives through cooperation and balance among diverse strengths.
But there are plenty of other guardinal paragons who act as leaders and exemplars for Elysium’s celestials. These uniquely benevolent beings include figures like Kelumarion the leonal they call the King Over the Mountain, Korada the meditating monkey known as the Dream Lotus, and Lady Taramyth, a vulpinal paragon dubbed Singing Flame. They are each embodiments of celestial ideals, not quite powers—but not far from it. They act as guides to mortals and celestials alike, using their wisdom and might to safeguard Upper Planar harmony while intervening in mortal realms to combat evil.
Compiled by: Jon Winter-Holt — drawing heavily from Pathfinder 1e Chronicle of the Righteous and Planes of Conflict
I am in awe. My PF players love your art and I appeciate it as their dm as well. We were very shocked to see you expand on the demigods, and enjoy how you blend various elements of PF into Planescape, like the Aeons and Inevitables. Will we see the First Arbitrators and Primordial Inevitables, dead and living? I expect the Qlippoth will join the Obyrinth.
I want to bring to light one other possible Agathion Empyreal Lord: Urhasdea, Sister of the Moon. Who is mentioned in Hell Unleashed. It isn’t fully stated if she is an Empyreal Lord, but the naming scheme implies so and a developer concurred in the discord. As for another, Shei Five Dawns isn’t intended as an Empyreal Lord, and her title (Oracle of Sinashakti) indicates it, since Sinashakti is another Empyreal Lord.
In addition, I have assembled a listing of all the gods I could find in PF, including ones the wiki hasn’t included. I have some descriptions of the various Horsemen and developer comments I saved from the forums on the former Horsemen’s appearances (As an aside, Belishek is intended to either be the Horseman of War after Horeksim). I am fully willing to share this doc, since I am using it for my own game.
Either way, I look forward to your future work.
Hi there Rev! Thanks so much for the feedback, I’m pleased you’re finding the project useful. I do not know anything about the First Arbitrators or Primordial Inevitables so thanks for the tip-off, I shall investigate! I have some ideas on linking up the modrons with the axiomites already, I should be working on those soon.
As for the qlippoth, I was thinking they would be a separate race from the obyrith, although I do need to do more research and perhaps there could be a blurred boundary between the two. Would be interested to hear your thoughts, it sounds like you know the Pathfinder lore much more deeply than I!
I would love to see any information you’ve compiled! Pleasedrop me a message at jon // mimir // net (I’m sure you can guess the missing parts). I hope you like the Urhasdea entry I just added 🙂
Final though, is Shei the same as Shei Five Dawns? I need to do some more digging but it looks like the wiki I’ve used contradicts itself. I shall have to go back to the original canon… Cheers!
I will be happy to share as much as I can, and will do so. I deeply appreciate the entry. As for the confusion, no, Shei and Shei Five Dawns are not the same. Shei Five Dawns is as I mentioned before and was depicted as being deceased, with her being listed as an Empyreal Lord being a result of the ambiguous wording, which seems to be referring to Sinashakti as an Empyreal Lord and Shei Five Dawns as her prophet. Meanwhile, Shei was created as an Empyreal Lord who is distinctly alive.