The Cave Mother, the Healer of Warriors, the Great Mother. LE(NE) lesser power of females, fertility, healing, medicine (She/Her)
Pantheon: Orcish
Symbol: Cave entrance rune
Realm: Acheron / Avalas / Nishrek
The most prominent goddess of the orcs, Luthic the Cave Mother is patroness of caverns and shelter, of female fertility, of healing, and of morale. Mate of Gruumsh and mother to Bahgtru, Luthic commands the Leg-Breaker’s loyalty before any other, even his father, for that is the way of orcs. Luthic is associated with a mother bear, her sacred animal, and depicted with exaggerated claws or talons, said to be her tools in digging caverns for orcs to settle in. The home is her domain and cave matrons are her people, whether or not they serve her directly as shamans. Orc males venerate her for her healing prowess and as the goddess who rules over settlements and safe shelters—her symbol is the orcish cave-rune. Luthic is not an idle goddess; she actively sends emissaries to the courts of other powers and major planar figures, subtly tracing a web of potential alliances and backdoor channels that includes Grumbar the earth elemental deity and the Olympian witch-goddess Hecate.
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