The Fortress Eternal and Everlasting

Location: Mount Celestia / Lunia / Threshold
Listen up, berk, ’cause I’ve got a tale that’ll leave you scratching your brain-box. The Fortress Eternal and Everlasting has been standing tall long before anyone can rightly recollect; chant goes that it’s carved from stone that’s older than time. The mystery is who built the place. Some reckon it was raised by the hand of a power beyond reckoning, while others say it’s an echo of a cosmic event that happened before time knew what time was.
Those who call it home guard the fortress with a zeal that’s been burning for eons, like a flame that won’t even flicker, let alone go out. High-up archons and aasimon stand side by side, patrolling its halls and guarding its gates against any that might seek to intrude.
Folks from all corners of the planes come to pay their respects to the Fortress Eternal and Everlasting, from the outside at least. They speak of its endurance, its defiance of the passage of time. They say it’s a place that’s seen the rise and fall of ages, a sentinel that’s witnessed more than even the wisest of powers. But the guardians let no one in who they haven’t hand-selected and invited.
So, how has it been there longer than anyone can rightly remember? And what are the archons keeping hidden inside? Those are the questions keeps philosophers and sages guessing.
While the Fortress Eternal and Everlasting might shine like a beacon of celestial light, the dark is that there are tales whispered in hushed tones by those who have dared to delve into its secrets. See, that fortress, it’s got walls that’ve seen more than just the gleam of lawful goodness. Some reckon that inside is a place where the cosmic balance itself wavers, where the very fabric of order and chaos tangles in an intricate dance. The whisperers claim that the Fortress isn’t from Celestia originally, and was dragged there from the Abyss before Lunia was even a twinkle in an archon’s eye. They speak of forbidden knowledge locked away deep within its chambers, secrets that even the archons might shudder to uncover, and paranoia that whatever is locked away inside must never be allowed out.
Those who’ve walked its corridors tell tales of eerie voices that speak of forgotten oaths and debts unsettled. There are doors that lead to Places that Shouldn’t Be, passages that lead Directions that Can’t Be, and hidden cells that contain Things that Mustn’t Be. Some even reckon that the fortress is like a living thing, feeding off the energies of the planes, drawing strength from the conflicts that rage across the cosmos. Keeping it in Mount Celestia has held it in a dormant state, and that is how things need to remain. Forever.
Canonical Source: Planes of Law: Mount Celestia (2e) p12 (mention)