Brix’s Guide to Portal Keys
Brix’s Guide to Portal Keys

Brix’s Guide to Portal Keys

Brix’s Guide to Portal Keys

They say that in Sigil you’re never more than twenty paces away from a portal. Or was that a cranium rat? Probably both to be honest. But unlike cranium rats, portals will only appear if you’re holding the right key. Here then is a list of common objects that you might find as keys for portals to particular places. No guarantees that any of them will actually work, it’s more to give you an idea of the sort of things you should look out for in Tivvum’s Antiquities. And before you mention it, no, Lu Ruskin does NOT know that I liberated this list from her counter when she was elbow deep in a chest of wriggling things. If she finds out, I’ll know it was you who told her, cutter.


Source:  Jon Winter-Holt,

Inspired by: “A Handful of Keys”, by John R. Prayer in Dragon Magazine Annual No. 1 (1996) p77.

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