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Duchess of the Fields (planar equinal guardinal companion [she/her] / NG). One of the Companions of Talisid.
Portfolio: Cultivation, deliberation, and devotion
Realm: Elysium / Amoria / Sienna Vale
Vhara, the Duchess of the Fields, is an equinal guardinal of quiet intensity and profound thoughtfulness. On the surface her demeanour is unassuming, but this belies her emotional depth and dedication to the ideals of the guardinals. With her sleek, silver-gray fur, flowing mane streaked with white, and eyes like pools of amber, she’s beautiful as well as serene. Vhara can come across as aloof or standoffish, however this is not due to arrogance but rather her tendency to retreat into introspection. Vhara is a meticulous thinker who weighs every decision with care, often delving so deeply into the nuances of a situation that she risks losing sight of the broader picture. This trait makes her a steadying hand of cautioun among Talisid’s Five Companions, balancing their more impulsive or action-oriented tendencies with her measured approach. She’s particularly drawn to beauty in all its forms—especially flowers—when she is not on a mission with the Compansions she’s usually found tending the gardens of her Sienna Vale mansion on Amoria.
Vhara’s philosophy revolves around cultivation, deliberation, and devotion. She believes that goodness, like a field or garden, must be carefully nurtured over time through patience and care. Cultivation represents her belief in fostering growth—whether in individuals, communities, or even ideas—by creating environments where they can thrive. Deliberation reflects her commitment to thoughtful action; she teaches that rushing into decisions without fully understanding their consequences risks doing harm, even with good intentions. Finally, devotion describes her emotional core: while she may appear reserved, Vhara feels deeply for her allies and her plane. Among the Five Companions, Vhara is the reflective heart of the group, offering thoughful perspectives the others have overlooked in their haste to act. Her ability to see the beauty and potential even in dire situations inspires those around her to approach challenges with patience and care. Though she may not lead from the frontlines like Talisid or Sathia, Vhara’s quiet strength and empathy make her a valuable addition to the band of celestial champions.
Source: Book of Exalted Deeds [3e] p144-145; Manual of the Planes [5e]; Jon Winter-Holt