

[ Guardinals ] [ Custodian | Luminary | Scout | Yeoman ] [ Paragons ]


The Duchess (planar ursinal guardinal companion [she/her] / NG)

Portfolio: Wisdom, dignity, diplomacy

Realm: Elysium / Eronia / House of Nature

Duchess Callisto, an ursinal guardinal paragon and a former member of Talisid’s Five Companions, embodies the ideal of dignified diplomacy. She’s an enormous golden-brown furred bear with a serene demeanour. While retired from adventuring—she was succeeded by Bharrai—Callisto remains a grandmotherly figure in Elysian society. She’s deeply devoted to learning and preserving knowledge, and fostering understanding between the celestial races. Her philosophy emphasises the importance of finding common ground with potential allies, whilst standing side-by-side against forces of evil.

These days the Duchess acts as an advisor to the movers and shakers of the archons and eladrin, as well as and a mentor to younger guardinals. Frequently seen travelling outside Elysium to visit Arborea’s Court of Stars or Yetsira in Jovar, the Duchess will often complain that she’s busier now than before her retirement—but you can tell from the twinkle in her eye that she wouldn’t want it any other way. Though she prefers diplomatic and intellectual solutions, Callisto’s mastery of magic make her a formidable adversary when she’s called to defend her charges or uphold Elysium’s ideals.

Source: Jon Winter-Holt; Planes of Conflict [2e] Liber Benevolentiae p51; Manual of the Planes [3e] p140

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