Concordance of Abyssal Layers
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Concordance of Abyssal Layers

[ Abyss ] [ Codex of Completed Layers | Concordance of All Layers ]

The Concordance of Abyssal Layers

The Abyssal Mimir

You wanted to know the chant about the Plane of the Abyss? Fancy yourself a real blood do you, or are you just an addle-cove? I am the Mimir of the Nadir, a magical construct designed to provide information on all topics Abyssal.

Use the table below to search through my Concordance of Abyssal Layers. You can use the search box and filters to narrow down the data. For example, use the incantation ‘graz’ to see all the layers controlled by Graz’zt and/or use the filters to show only the interdicted layers. You incorrigible rebel, you!

A disclaimer: By utilising this information, you acknowledge the risks and that you absolve this mimir of responsibility for any untimely deaths (or worse) that may occur as a result of any misadventure.

See also: Overview of the AbyssCodex of Completed Layers | Counting the Layers, a discussion of the layer numbering methodology of the Fraternity of Order.

Mimir, tell me about the layers of the Abyss…

Layer Name Interdict Other Names Ruler Description Dive Deeper
1 Pazunia Plain of Infinite Portals Pazuzu (Contested) Being a blasted wasteland riddled with gate-pits and iron cities
2 Descolada {I} The Driller's Hives Tharzax Being an infested hive world where insects make war with themselves
3 Zenador The Forgotten Land Zzyczesiya Being a graveyard for mind, spirit and body alike
4 Grand Abyss The Blood Rift Contested Being a yawning chasm where fiends quarry for a place to fight
5 Wormblood {I} Wyrmblood Contested Being a fetid rotting land of infection, disease and death
6 Eyenabella Realm of a Million Eyes Great Mother Being a tunnel-plane swarming with eye tyrants and their kin
7 Kearackinin Phantoas; The Phantom Plane Sess'inek Being a steamy bog-realm of lizards, sealed from travellers
8 Skindjur {I} Skin-Skedder Volisupula Being a forest-layer of knife-sharp leaves, which corrupts a basher's spirit
9 Messaqqio {I} Burningwater None Being an acid ocean infested with corrupted and wicked fish
10 That Hellhole {I} Unknown Being a hellish hungry plane which seeks to devour visitors
11 Molrat {I} Daisin (Contested) Being a tunnel-realm of eternal darkness and the scent of fear
12 Twelvetrees None Being a scream-filled wasteland of fiendish magic
13 Blood Tor Beshaba and Umberlee Being a misty moorland filled with ill luck and misfortune
14 Steaming Fen Trondheim The Queen of Chaos Being a twisted mirror of Mount Celestia with a boiling brine dead ocean
15 Dammerung The Courts of Mustering Gurtheoinr Being a world filled with courtyards where tanar'ri warriors gather for war
16 Rift of Repose The Endless Graveyard Contested Being a stormy land of crypts and walking dead who escaped them
17 Death's Reward {I} Varsam, Whispering Lights Abraxas the Unfathomable Being a maddening realm of sinister whispers and eerie lights
18 Carnaxius Sekmethe Being a desert realm filled with the flames of an endless war
19 Falserapture {I} Gresil Being a world of corrupt and heinous faiths, worshipping the fiends
20 Candlesnuff None Being a prison plane of smoke, spark and endless air
21 Fushimi The Sixth Pyre, Flamingsky Kardum / Ord (contested) Being an ashen plane with hag-tended bleeding oaks and swirling pyres
22 A'Shad'iFohg The Abyssal Bazaar Avarax / Graz'zt / others Being an endless market which sells anything, if you can find it
23 Jhuvumirak The Iron Wastes Kostchtchie Being a bitterly cold land of thick flowing ice, lit by a simgle dim moon
24 Elenur The Elemental Wastes Unknown Being a deadly layer of shifting sands and deadly plants
25 Ic'Vnign The Swarming Jungle I’tkk’chavni Being a hideous collection of dark thoughts and dreams
26 Magebane {I} Unknown Being a realm of weakened magic and strengthened fiends
27 Malignebula Lady Lissa'aere Being an icy layer of endless cloud and winged fiends
28 Zahhak The Ashen Waste Apathy Being an ashen desert made from shattered dreams and crushed hopes ground down to sand
29 Mountains of Murder None Being a hellish land where even the malignant mountains are alive
30 Slimeflow Tsuggtmoy Being an ever-descending world of cliffs and slimefalls
31 Deserts of Still Silver Dungeon Dimension Unknown Being a desert of cold metal where reality wears thin
32 Sholo-Tovoth The Fields of Consumption Turaglas Being a realm of all-consuming hunger
33 Hollowshell {I} Unknown Being a delicate plane of shattering surfaces and laceration
34 Court of Aeskylos Aeskylos Bring a malleable plaything of its master
35 Senseless Court of Shabriri The Throne of Skulls Marduk / Shabriri (contested) Being a fractal void of kaleidoscope colours
36 Acid Scrub None Being a desert of plants which burn with acid
37 The Feeding Reach {I} None Being a roiling plane of heaving flesh and hunger incarnate
38 Court of Sceirion Sceirion Being an enormous palace where the politics is deadly
39 Gossamer The Court of Sceirion Sceirion Being a silk-draped paradise, for fiends at least
40 Ebon Death Unknown Being a starving realm of writhing ravenous monsters
41 Pleroma The Triple Invocation Abraxas Being whatever the viewer would most like it to be
42 Khaganbleck Realms of the Tzaretch Lord Manu Being the realm of the tzaretchuk, fiends who are tanar'ri in all but name
43 Tzaretchuk Realms of the Tzaretch Unknown Being the realm of the tzaretchuk, fiends who are tanar'ri in all but name
44 Zend Storm None Being a perpetual storm shielding competitors of the tanar'ri
45 Rauwend Azzagrat, the Triple Realm Graz'zt Being a confusing set of intertwining triple layers
46 Shadowsky Azzagrat, the Triple Realm Graz'zt Being a confusing set of intertwining triple layers
47 Voorz'zt Azzagrat, the Triple Realm Graz'zt Being a confusing set of intertwining triple layers
48 Skeiqulac Nerebdian Vast None Being somehow both a desert and and ocean
49 Shaddonon Rhyxali Being a forest of eternal shadow
50 Ishiar The Ocean of Despair Dagon Being an ocean of stagnant, stinking water which touches many Abyssal realms

Source: Data compiled and cleaned by Jon Winter-Holt, using information pooled from 1e-5e D&D canonical sources, third party references, fan generated content and original homebrew material.


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