Being a Collection of Movers, Shakers, and Candlestick Makers of Sigil and the Planes
Being Mysterious Force that Nudges Cutters Towards the Light of Goodness Whether they Like it or Not
Christopher Verdue
Being a Psychic Hardhead who can See where Others Cannot, and Seeks to Banish the Darkness from Sigil
Julius the Symmetrical
A Jermlaine Philosopher with Notions Larger and Voice Louder than his Short Stature would Suggest
A Burnished Deva who seeks to Redeem the Name of Goodness by Ceasing their Arming of the Fiends
Laurelli Tantarella
Being a Trumpet Archon who Ushers Celestia’s Dead Back to the Land of the Living
An Insectile Merkhant with an Eye for Jink, and Very Secret Purposes Behind his Goldlust