Pathfinder 1 PC Races
Being a Crunchy Collection of Rules to Convert 2e and 3e Planescape Races to the Pathfinder Setting
Being a Crunchy Collection of Rules to Convert 2e and 3e Planescape Races to the Pathfinder Setting
Being a Foray into the Murky World of Sigil’s Movers and Shakers, their Intrigues and Double Dealings
Being a Colourful Festival of the Fortune Tellers, Reliable and Otherwise, of Sigil’s Great Bazaar and Beyond
Being a Motley Collection of Dangerous Barmies Captured and Held Most Securely Inside the Criminally and Irretrievably Insane Wing of the Bleakers’ Gatehouse
Being a Discussion of the Calendar of Months and their Implication on Daily Life in the City of Doors