Cutters Shafi Bin Ahmad Zin 2025-02-02 2025-02-02 Being a Barber and Talented Fixer-Upper of Clockworks #Artificers #Barbers #Cutters #Gen #Great Bazaar #Market Ward #Mechanus #Merchants #Sha'ir #Sigil #Wizard Spells
Bestiary Chardes 2023-12-16 2023-12-17 Being a Sharp-Tempered and Sharp-Bodied Creatures from the Plane of Minerals #Bestiary #Creatures #Quasi-Elemental Mineral #Wizard Spells
Magic The Magic of Dust 2023-11-12 2023-11-12 Being a Collection of Magics from the Plane of Dust #Inner Planes #Quasi-Elemental Dust #Wizard Spells
Magic The Magic of Ash 2023-10-29 2024-02-16 Being Spells Developed to make Travel on the Plane Easier, or that draw their Power from the Ash Itself. #Inner Planes #Quasi-Elemental Ash #Wizard Spells