Bestiary Pigeon, Sigilian 2023-12-15 2024-11-19 Being a Mischevious Avian Native to Sigil’s Streets, Rooves, Gutters, Ditches…and so on #Bestiary #Creatures #Planar Fauna #Sigil
Bestiary Scarling 2023-12-14 2023-12-17 Being a Stinking Bird with a Very Safe Kip in the Cage #Bestiary #Creatures #Planar Fauna #Sigil
Bestiary Halato 2023-12-14 2023-12-14 Being a Portal Parasite or Lady’s Eye? You Decide. #Bestiary #Creatures #Sigil
Bestiary Waurac 2023-12-13 2024-04-25 Being a Race of Musical Exiles from the Plane of Chaos #Any Plane #Bestiary #Creatures #Sigil #Urban
Bestiary Mock 2023-12-13 2023-12-17 Being the Lonely Sprites of the Planes, Invisible Because their Gaze can be … Transformative #Bestiary #Creatures #Outlands #Sigil
Places Ubiquitous Wayfarer 2023-12-07 2023-12-07 Being a Bub-House with more Portals than You can Shake a Shoggoth at #Brix's Guide #Clerks' Ward #Lady's Ward #Lower Ward #Sigil #Sites #Taverns
Sigil Gray District 2023-11-21 2025-01-13 Being All that Remains of the Former Glories of Sigil’s Ancient Necropolis Quarter #Brix's Guide #Dustmen #Heralds of Dust #Hive Ward #Sigil #Sites
Sigil Industrial Stitches 2023-10-24 2024-11-19 Being an Off-Loading Point for Goods coming in and Waste going out of Sigil #Brix's Guide #Ditch #Lower Ward #Sigil #Sites
Sigil Taker’s Lock 2023-10-24 2024-11-19 Being a Choke Point in the Ditch of which, Naturally, the Fated have Taken Advantage #Brix's Guide #Ditch #Lower Ward #Sigil #Sites