Music Poetry Anarchist’s Delight 2024-06-21 2024-08-21 Being a Rabble-Rousing Song of Insurrection from the Streets of the Hive #Hands of Havoc #Poems from Beyond #Revolutionary League #Songs from Beyond
Factions Harmonium 2024-03-25 2024-10-06 Who Seek to Enforce Harmony in the Multiverse, their Way #Factions #Harmonium #Revolutionary League #Sigil
Factions Hands of Havoc 2024-03-25 2025-02-21 The Anarchists, The True Revolutionary League #Factions #Hands of Havoc #Philosophies #Revolutionary League #Sigil
Philosophies The Politics of Anarchy 2024-03-25 2025-02-21 Where a Philosopher Anarchist Reveals that there is a Purpose behind the Anarchic #Hands of Havoc #Philosophies #Philosophy by Numbers #Revolutionary League
Cutters Caruther 2023-09-28 2024-07-05 Being an Anarchic Spy Cloaked in a Perfect Disguise #Cage Rattlers #Cloakers #Hands of Havoc #Harmonium #Revolutionary League #Sigil
Cutters Whylo Aristar 2023-09-24 2024-07-05 Who Succeeded by being Perfect, and is an Inspiration to Others who Would-Be-Powers #Believers of the Source #Cutters #Hands of Havoc #Mind's Eye #Revolutionary League #Sigil #Tieflings #Visionaries
Cutters Zepherai Thunderstorms 2023-09-24 2025-01-28 Who Works to Thwart the Peril of the Great Yugoloth Conspiracy #Air Genasi #Genasi #Hands of Havoc #Revolutionary League #Sigil #Visionaries