Bestiary Places Stories Pasture of Tranquil Slumbers 2023-09-30 2024-10-26 Being a Vine which Promises Sweet Dreams… Forever #Bestiary #Creatures #Flower Powers #Outlands #Plants #Short Stories #Sites
Places Kaos Kult Kamp 2023-09-17 2024-07-05 Being a Temporary Camp of Philosophers Trying to Cause Planar Realignment #Abyss #Outlands #Pazunia #Sites
Places Gzemnid’s Realm 2023-09-13 2024-12-12 Being the Nebulous Realm of the Beholder Power of Gasses, Mose of the Noxious #Beholder Pantheon #Elder Mythos #Outlands #Realms
Powers Gzemnid 2023-09-13 2024-12-19 Being the Power of Deception and Gasses #Beholder Pantheon #Elder Mythos #Lesser Powers #Outlands #Powers
Places Yggdrasil 2023-09-03 2024-12-10 Being the World Ash which Connects the Planes of the Norse Powers #Arborea #Arvandor #Astral #Beastlands #Brux #Elemental Air #Gray Waste #Karasuthra #Krigala #Limbo #Nidavellir #Nilfheim #Olympus #Outlands #Pandemonium #Planar Pathways #Prime #Yggdrasil #Ysgard
Places River Oceanus 2023-09-01 2024-12-09 Being the Major Planar Waterway of the Upper Planes #Abellio #Amoria #Aquallor #Arborea #Arcadia #Arvandor #Beastlands #Belierin #Brux #Bytopia #Dothion #Elysium #Eronia #Karasuthra #Krigala #Lunia #Mount Celestia #Olympus #Ossa #Outlands #Planar Pathways #River Oceanus #Silver Sea #Thalasia #Ysgard
Places Mount Olympus 2023-09-01 2024-12-10 Being the Pillar of the Powers and the Seat of the Greek Pantheon #Aquallor #Arborea #Arvandor #Carceri #Gray Waste #Mithardir #Mount Olympus #Olympus #Ossa #Outlands #Pelion #Planar Pathways #Pluton #Prime
Places Sigil World Serpent Inn 2023-09-01 2024-12-10 Being a Plane-Hopping Tavern, the Start of Many an Adventure #Abyss #Acheron #Arborea #Arcadia #Baator #Beastlands #Bytopia #Carceri #Elysium #Gehenna #Gray Waste #Limbo #Mechanus #Mount Celestia #Outlands #Pandemonium #Planar Pathways #Prime #Sigil #Taverns #Ysgard
Places River Pyriphlegethon 2023-09-01 2024-12-10 Being a River of Flames that Crosses Much of the Great Ring #Abyss #Avernus #Baator #Hinterlands #Outlands #Pandemonium #Phlegethon #Phlegethos #Planar Pathways #River Styx