Places The Steep Ascent 2023-09-01 2024-12-09 Being the Long Way Around from the Hells to the Heavens #Avernus #Baator #Chamada #Dis #Gehenna #Khalas #Krangath #Lunia #Maladomini #Malbolge #Mercuria #Minauros #Mount Celestia #Mungoth #Phlegethos #Planar Pathways #Solania #Venya
Places Via Romana 2023-09-01 2024-12-10 Being a Well-Kept Road Leading from Light into Darkness Across the Planes of Law #Abellio #Acheron #Arcadia #Avalas #Avernus #Baator #Buxenus #Dis #Jovar #Lunia #Mechanus #Mount Celestia #Planar Pathways
Places River Lethe 2023-09-01 2024-12-09 Being a River that Flows from Celestia Straight to Baator #Baator #Chronias #Gray Waste #Jovar #Lunia #Mercuria #Mertion #Mount Celestia #Nessus #Planar Pathways #Pluton #River Styx #Solania #Venya
Places River Euonë 2023-09-01 2024-12-09 Being the River of Remembrance #Chronias #Jovar #Lunia #Mercuria #Mertion #Mount Celestia #Planar Pathways #Silver Sea #Solania #Venya
Places River Eridanus 2023-09-01 2024-12-09 Being the River of the Heavens #Abellio #Amoria #Arcadia #Buxenus #Elysium #Mercuria #Mertion #Mount Celestia #Planar Pathways #River Oceanus #Solania #Venya
Places Chinvat Bridge 2023-09-01 2024-12-09 Being a Bridge Reaching Between the Realms of the Living and the Dead #Abyss #Astral #Lunia #Mesopotamian Pantheon #Mount Celestia #Persian Pantheon #Planar Pathways #Prime #Ugaritic Pantheon
Places The Wormholes 2023-09-01 2024-12-10 Being an Underground Network of Tunnels Between the Planes #Abyss #Acheron #Arborea #Baator #Bytopia #Carceri #Gehenna #Gray Waste #Mount Celestia #Pandemonium #Planar Pathways #Prime #Underdark
Places Mount Fujiyama 2023-08-31 2024-12-10 Being an Interplanar Mountain Connecting the Powers of the Japanese Pantheon #Abellio #Acheron #Arcadia #Carceri #Elysium #Limbo #Mount Celestia #Pandemonium #Planar Pathways #Ysgard
Places Mictlan 2023-08-31 2024-12-09 Being a One-Way Aztec Planar Pathway #Acheron #Arborea #Baator #Gray Waste #Limbo #Mechanus #Mount Celestia #Planar Pathways