Fortune Sellers
Being a Colourful Festival of the Fortune Tellers, Reliable and Otherwise, of Sigil’s Great Bazaar and Beyond
Non Compos Mentis
Being a Motley Collection of Dangerous Barmies Captured and Held Most Securely Inside the Criminally and Irretrievably Insane Wing of the Bleakers’ Gatehouse
Cant Dictionary
Being a Living Lexicography of Cant used in Sigil and the Planes by Planewalkers, Cross-Traders and Knights of the Post
Planar Pathways
Being a True and Complete Survey of the Myriad Pathways that Connect the Diverse and Unlikely Places of the Multiverse
Concordance of Abyssal Layers
Being a True and Accurate — if not Complete — Catalogue of the Many Layers of the Abyss