Powers Mistress of the Copper Mountain 2024-11-30 2024-11-30 Being the Beautiful Queen of Underground Riches #Artisan Powers #Demipowers #Earth Powers #Powers #Quasi-Elemental Mineral #Slavic Pantheon
Powers Mokosh 2024-11-29 2025-01-27 Being the Matronly Power of Earthly Fertility, Crafts, and Healing #Artisan Powers #Bytopia #Dothion #Healing Powers #Intermediate Powers #Mother Powers #Nature Powers #Powers #Powers of Love #Slavic Pantheon
Powers Svarog 2024-11-28 2025-01-27 Being the Industious Smith. of the Slavs, Father to Some Powers, Creator of Others #Artisan Powers #Father Powers #Intermediate Powers #Powers #Powers of Love #Slavic Pantheon
Powers Dugmaren Brightmantle 2024-02-17 2024-02-17 Being the Embodiment of the Dwarven Spirit of Invention and Creativity #Artisan Powers #Dwarven Pantheon #Lesser Powers #Mordinsamman #Outlands #Powers #Ringlands
Powers Gond 2024-01-07 2024-02-17 Being the Wonderbringer, the Essence of Inventive Craft #Artisan Powers #Faerûnian Pantheon #Intermediate Powers #Outlands #Powers #Ringlands
Powers Tvashtri 2023-12-19 2024-01-02 Being the Vedic Power of Invention and Artifice #Artisan Powers #Demipowers #Outlands #Powers #Ringlands #Vedic Pantheon
Powers Goibhniu 2023-12-02 2024-01-02 Blacksmith of the Gods, Celtic Power of Smithing #Artisan Powers #Celtic Pantheon #Intermediate Powers #Outlands #Powers #Tir na Og #Tuatha de Danann