The Keeper of Knowledge. N lesser power of knowledge, scribes, logic (He/Him)
Symbol: Ibis, moon or baboon
Pantheon: Egyptian
Realm: Outlands / Ringlands / Thoth’s Estate
Known Proxies: Banebdjedet (bariaur fighter proxy [he/him] / N); Djehuty (githzerai thief proxy [he/him] / N); Normus G’tals (tiefling mage proxy [hee/him] / N)
Thoth has earned his place as the most knowledgeable of all the Egyptian gods. Constantly at Ra’s side, Thoth offers wisdom and advice to the pantheon’s head, along with keeping a constant record of daily events. Indeed, sometimes his speeches are said to exceed their usefulness, as Isis often protests. It was Thoth who takes responsibility for bringing hieroglyphic writing to mortals; the written word is thus considered a divine and holy property. While Thoth’s reign over knowledge is his largest asset, few outside of the Egyptians are aware that Thoth also represents the moon and its aspect as the night sky’s “sun.”
Possibly more famous than Thoth himself is his Estate, resting beside the River Ma’at in the Outlands. In addition to housing Thoth’s very own accounts (inaccessible to all but the most favoured proxies of the pantheon), Thoth’s Estate carries literature and records gathered over the millennia from all the multiverse. Though there isn’t much of anything not kept in the Estate, a body’s hard pressed to find it anytime soon.Â
The strangest influence of Thoth is his power to control time. It is said that when the pair Geb and Nut were separated from each other, Thoth added five extra days to the year. In the confusion that ensued from this event, Geb and Nut were able to couple and produce four (some say five) children; typically counted among these children are Nephthys, Seth, Isis and Osiris. This is also why many prime years last for three-hundred-and-sixty-five days instead of a more simple three-hundred-and-sixty.
Lastly, it is important to note that Thoth’s most famous symbol, an ibis, is not the only one. In addition to the moon represented by the disc atop his headdress, the third most important representation is that of a baboon, and indeed this is Thoths preferred form. Before climbing above the horizon the sun sheds its light across the land, and this is when the baboons shriek and call to the sky; Egyptians say the animals’re communing with Thoth in their own tongue, providing an animal’s insight and devotion.
Canonical Source: On Hallowed Ground [2e] p91, description of power and realm
Source: Zak Arntson, Jon Winter-Holt