The Great Mother
The Princess of Beholders
Greater power of magic, fertility, tyranny [She/Her] / CE
Pantheon: Beholder
Realm: Abyss / Eyenabella (6th layer) / The Realm of a Million Eyes
The Princess of Beholders is a being of pure chaos, a maelstrom of eyes, each with a power that can rend flesh, warp reality, or worse. And yet, with all that power, she’s a mother too—though don’t be expecting any warm hugs and kisses. For starters, she doesn’t have arms! Ah, I jest. Nah, the only thing warm about her is the fiery rage that burns in her being. It’s said she gave birth to all the beholderkin, an endless line of tyrannical eye tyrant species, each more vicious and paranoid than the last, spewing from her like a fountain of nightmares.
Ain’t no family reunion at her place, no siree. The Great Mother’s got a streak of ruthlessness a mile wide. Take her son, Gzemnid, for instance. Now, I ain’t one to gossip, but chant goes that the berk had a personality sourer than a sack of lemons, a real unpleasant cutter. And even though he’s her own flesh and blood, she booted him out of the layer without a second thought, chased him out like a stray dog, and made sure he never dared to come back.
And speaking of her harsh rule, ain’t no other power dares to take a step in her territory. She’s got a temper that could boil the seas and a wrath that could shake mountains. It’s not just about being harsh though, she’s cunning, a master manipulator, with a network of eyes that sees everything and knows pretty much all that transpires in her realm. Some say she can send spying eyes burrowing through the Abyss and into other layers. If you ever see a single eye in the gloom watching you cutter, there’s a good chance it belongs to the Great Mother.
She’s an unyielding, implacable entity that rules her domain with an iron… eye? Well, you get the gist. Her layer is her playground, a place where she enforces her fickle will and whims with a cruelty that even scares beholders. If you ever find yourself in her layer, I’d advise treading very carefully while you frantically search for a way out, ’cause the Great Mother’s gaze is something you don’t want to attract. Eyenabella is a harsh and unforgiving place ruled by a harsh and unforgiving deity, where mercy is a dirty word and pity a foreign concept.
Sources: Jon Winter-Holt
Recommended Reading: AuldDragon’s Blog: Great Mother background, stats, spells and priesthood