Inferno Springs
Welcome to Inferno Springs, a bubblin’ gem tucked away near Torch in the Outlands. This spot is a steep-walled valley filled with the raw energy of the planes, teemin’ with natural hot springs that bubble and steam like the pot’s about to boil over. Turning the steam park into a destination was the brainchild of Drimward, a steam mephit with a flair for the dramatic. He claims Inferno Springs is a slice of the Inner Planes that’s somehow drifted into the Outlands. Most know it’s just a bit of screed, but that don’t take away from the place’s charm. The springs here ain’t your cozy bath; they’re wild and unpredictable, hottest and most pressurised when the sun’s high in the sky. Around peak, you’d best watch your step, or you’ll find yourself in waters hot enough to boil a berk’s flesh clean off.
Despite the danger, or maybe because of it, the park draws in a motley crew. From fiends who can take the heat to planar travellers lookin’ for a bit of thrill, Inferno Springs has got a spring for every sort. And Drimward, that crafty mephit, he lets folks dip in the cooler springs, always with a warning about the midday scald.
But it’s the geysers that really wow the berks. Eruptin’ at all hours, they’re a sight to behold, shootin’ steam and water sky-high like the park’s blowin’ off some steam. And the mud, bubblin’ and boilin’, adds to the otherworldly charm of the place.
For those lookin’ for a soak in the planes, Inferno Springs is a must-visit. Just mind the time and keep your wits about you, or you’ll end up a bit more cooked than you bargained for.
Source: Joshua Jarvis and Jon Winter-Holt