The Chambers of Repentance
Location: Mount Celestia / Lunia

The Chambers of Repentance are a well-guarded secret; a place beneath the radiant spires of Mount Celestia where the multiverse’s darkest souls are brought to face their sins. Imagine a vast complex of crystalline cells, each one twinkling with the light of judgment and righteousness. Well, here’s the chant: When the archons catch themselves a fiend trespassing in Celestia, they ain’t tossed back to the Lower Planes for punishment. Oh no, the archons ain’t ones for giving up on redemption.
Instead, these fiends are hauled down to the Chambers of Repentance. Picture the gaol cells like glittery tombs, each infused with the purifying light of Mount Celestia. The fiends are forced to confront their own wickedness, to relive the pain they’ve inflicted on the multiverse and just to sit and think about what they’ve done. A host of legion archons are tasked with keeping order in the Chambers of Repentance, while warden archons guard the jail itself from any ill-advised rescue attempts. And—most sinister for the inmates—word archons are assigned to keep watch over the prisoners. They ain’t there to smite, though—they’re there to guide. The idea is they help the fiends see the error of their ways, to grasp the notion of redemption and change.
Now some fiends, after centuries of brain-washing contemplation, find the light within themselves and turn away from their evil ways. These are the lucky ones, the ones who might find themselves redeemed and sent back into the multiverse as champions of virtue. But others? Well, let’s just say not every fiend (in fact, the vast majority) can be swayed by the celestial light. And those, my friend, risk finding themselves locked in the Chambers of Repentance for eternity, their dark hearts tormented by the archon’s relentless program of justice and mercy.
So, if you ever find yourself on the slopes of Mount Celestia, spare a thought to the Chambers of Repentance below your feet—which depending how you look at it is either a place of hope where even the darkest souls might find forgiveness, or a place of everlasting torment for those who refuse to accept the light being forced upon them.
Canonical Source: Heaven Unleashed (Pathfinder 1e) p5 (short description of this site)