Fortune’s Wheel
Fortune’s Wheel

Fortune’s Wheel

Fortune’s Wheel

The scene is the Fortune’s Wheel Casino. The lights dim, and a twitter goes through the crowd. Everyone’s attention turns back to the main room as the croupiers begin to sing…

Audible Glamer by Jon Winter-Holt. Idea inspired by soshal_d_stance.

Download the mp3 here:

Fortune’s Wheel

Welcome, dear guests, to Fortune’s Wheel!
Where dreams come true, and fates are revealed.
Behind these doors, come take a spin
In Shemeshka’s realm, let the revelry begin!


Shemeshka! Shemeshka!
The king of the night!
In Fortune’s Wheel,
Your fate’s not finite!
Bask in the glow of eternal delight,
At the King’s grand casino,
Your fortunes take flight!

She’s Shemeshka!
The foxy charmer!
Let’s spin Fortune’s Wheel,
The stage set for drama!
Take a drink, count your jink, 
And select red or black!
What’s your poison, cutter?
Cards, roulette or black jack?



If you’re a blood,
And you’ve got the pluck,
Step into my parlour,
My netherworld of luck!
Your cards in hand,
Dice in suspense,
At Fortune’s Wheel,
Let the games commence!

I’m Shemeshka!
The king of the night!
In Fortune’s Wheel,
Your fate’s not finite
Bask in the glow of eternal delight,
At my grand casino,
Your fortunes take flight!

Promises whispered in the shadows so deep,
Where darks are traded as secrets to keep.
Fiendish charm and treasure untold,
At Fortune’s Wheel, where your secrets unfold!

The Fates are pulling on the threads of chance,
The gods of luck give you a second glance,
If you ask nice, you’ll get a cash advance!
Fortune’s Wheel! The casino kriegstanz.

I’m Shemeshka!
Yes, that foxy charmer!
Let’s spin Fortune’s Wheel,
Set the stage for drama!
Take a drink, count ya jink, 
And select black or red
At the King’s grand casino,
Where winners get rich….
(And losers get dead!)

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