How Many Ways Can You Draw Everything?

Well, as it turns out, quite a few, actually. While no planewalker who knows his onions will ever say “Yeah, that’s the right way to map the planes”, it’s a cert that each one will have a favourite, preferred way of doing it.
Why bother trying to map something that’s fundamentally unmappable? Well, cutter, it’s a question of philosophy, that. The best way to understand something is to see it with your own eyes. Each of the visualisations you’ll find below are merely ways of looking at the problem of mapping infinity. Sure, none of them are The Truth, but when you consider each for it’s own merits, you’ll begin to understand The Way Things Are. And that, as any rounder’ll tell you, is the most important lesson of all.
So here then are a group of maps, each telling their own story, and excerpts from the journals of bloods who’ve travelled where no planewalker’s ever set foot before. I’ll fill in the gaps where it’s needed, cutter, and explain why each looks the way it does. Of course, all this is on the understanding that if you hear of another way, you’ll let me know so I can spread your dark around. Got that? Good…
Mapping the Infinite
A Question of Dimensions
Beyond the Planes
Extra Dimensional Theory
Great Modron Conspiracy
Infinite Creatures
Physique Atomique
Planar Pillar
Planes of Cordance
Quasi Elemental Exotica
The Blind Eternities
The Great Great Ring
The Möbius Theory
The Well of Worlds
Tracts of Fire
Where are all the Dragons?
Source: Jon Winter-Holt