The Whisper of Air: The Auran Family of Languages
— by Syllabica Malhorendi, Experimental Language Department, Fraternity of Order
The study of the grammatical rules of languages is a cornerstone of understanding the laws of the multiverse, and among the many tongues of the elemental planes, the family of Auran dialects is certainly a curious one. The language of air elementals and other denizens of the Elemental Plane of Air and its environs, Auran is both a dialect of Primordial and a unique cultural artefact in its own right. In this essay I shall present its speakers, linguistic features, suggest the benefits for planewalkers who make the effort to learn it, and outline the challenges that mastering the Auran tongues pose for humanoid speakers. I shall also examines how the language differs when spoken by mortals, such as air genasi, compared with native air elementals.
Dialect | Plane | Phonetics | Syntax | Features |
Sussuran | Air | Breathy and harmonious | Poetic and variable | Freedom and adaptability |
Eshn | Smoke | Raspy and crackling | Short phrases | Efficiency under duress |
Glacian | Ice | Sharp consonants, lingering words | Fixed and structured | Endurance and precision |
Shryth | Vacuum | Whispered and vibrational | Minimalist | Abstract and introspective |
Zynar | Lightning | Staccato and sharp | Brief, punctuated | Abrupt and energetic |

First some terminology. Most cutters refer to ‘Auran’ when they want to discuss the language of the Plane of Air and its denizens. Technically, ‘Auran’ is the name of the family of air-infused local languages of the region: Air, Smoke, Ice, Lightning and Vacuum. These tongues are all related and share many common terms, making each of them more or less intelligible to speakers of any of the other Auran tongues. More precisely, the dialect of Auran most commonly used on the Elemental Plane of Air is called Sussuran. Its native speakers include air elementals, djinn, ildriss grue, air mephits and the like. Its use extends to certain mortal creatures with elemental heritage or affinity, such as air genasi and aarakocra. Many creatures of the Material Plane may also possess rudimentary knowledge of Auran languages, or their own racial language may be derived from it, particularly cultures of flying beings.
Linguistic Features of Sussuran: The language family embodies the fluidity and freedom inherent in the nature of air itself. Sussuran is renowned for its breathy, whispering quality, often described as resembling a long exhalation or the rustling of leaves in a breeze. Phonologically, it is vowel-rich and fricative-heavy (f, th, ɬ), with subtle tonal shifts that convey nuanced meanings. The grammar reflects its elemental origins: It is highly inflective and dynamic, with words shifting their meanings based on the speaker’s pitch, rhythm, and duration. Unlike many mortal languages that rely on fixed syntax, Sussuran’s structure is fluid and context-dependent. Non-verbal elements such as changes in air pressure or sudden gusts are integral to its expression by air elementals, and these are obviously difficult to simulate for corporeal speakers.
Though primarily an oral language suited to the ephemeral nature of air and its elemental speakers, a written form is employed by mortal speakers. Sussuran employs the Vaati script—the alphabet of the Wind Dukes of Aaqa—which is characterised by flowing lines and spirals evocative of wind currents. It often appears decorative rather than utilitarian, and is written top to bottom, like a falling leaf or feather.
Benefits and Challenges of Learning Sussuran: For planewalkers, mastering the language allows direct communication with air elementals and other creatures with ties to the Plane of Air, facilitating alliances or negotiations. Proficiency in the language can also enhance one’s understanding of air-based magic; certain spells may be more effective when cast in this language. Moreover, familiarity with Sussuran provides insight into the culture and thought processes of its speakers, deepening one’s appreciation for their elemental planeview. Fluent speakers of Sussuran may also realise that the winds of the plane of Air frequently carry information, as air elementals can communicate at a long distance by ‘shouting’ in the form of a buffeting breeze. Such messages can carry many hundreds of leagues and maintain their integrity, although at range they are more whispers than shouts.
- A high-pitched whine = “This space is mine.”
- A low, sustained drone = “Merge and journey.”
- A staccato crackle = “Danger from Vacuum.”
Phonetics: Learning Surssuran, and in particular speaking it, poses considerable challenges for humanoids. The language’s reliance on precise airflow manipulation makes it difficult for those with conventional vocal anatomy to reproduce accurately. Many humanoid speakers must pause frequently to breathe between phrases, which native speakers may interpret as clumsy or disrespectful. Additionally, mastering the tonal subtleties requires extensive practice; even minor errors can alter meanings drastically.
Syntax: The language reflects values central to air-aligned beings: freedom, adaptability, and harmony with natural forces. Air elementals embody the essence of Sussuran in its purest form. For them, speaking is not merely vocalisation but an extension of their being—each word flows seamlessly into the next like wind through a canyon. Their speech lacks pauses or breaks common among mortals; instead, it manifests as continuous streams of sound interwoven with gusts and vibrations in the surrounding air. This intrinsic connection makes their use of Sussuran almost impossible to replicate fully by non-elemental beings, although it is perfectly intelligible, sounding poetic.
Dialects: While Sussuran itself remains relatively uniform across speakers from the Plane of Air, variations exist based on species or region. Djinn incorporate melodic tones reminiscent of wind chimes into their speech, while elemental dragons add hissing undertones akin to escaping steam. The voices of air genasi often carry an airy quality even when speaking the Common tongue, making their rendition of Sussuran particularly graceful. However, even they are unable to replicate the full range of sounds produced by gaseous speakers like air elementals. To an elemental ear, an air genasi’s speech might seem structured or overly deliberate compared to the natural fluidity they themselves can master.
The elemental dialects of Auran, are deeply influenced by the nature of the planes in which they are spoken. Auran tongues are also spoken on the neighbouring para-elemental planes of Smoke and Ice, Lightning and Vacuum, where the language evolves into distinct local dialects, each reflecting the unique environmental and metaphysical conditions of its plane…

The Para-Elemental Plane of Ice, where air crystallizes into frost and water freezes into eternal bergs, Auran adapts to reflect the harsh, static, and crystalline nature of the plane. This icy dialect is referred to as Glacian, and its primary speakers are ice para-elementals, frost mephits, and frost giants. These beings embody the stillness and cold of their environment, which is mirrored in their speech. Additionally, mortals with elemental ties to ice—such as frost genasi or druids attuned to winter—may learn this dialect to communicate with its native speakers. Glacian is something of a creole language, where Auran and Aquan have mixed together and crystallised into something that is neither one nor other, yet somehow intelligible to speakers of both.
Phonetics: Glacian diverges from the breathy and flowing nature of traditional Auran. Its phonetics are sharp and brittle, resembling the crackle of ice fracturing under pressure or the whistle of wind across frozen tundra. Consonants are pronounced with a crisp clarity that evokes snapping icicles, while vowels are elongated into hauntingly cold tones. Sibilant sounds (like “s” and “sh”) dominate the dialect, mimicking the hiss of snowstorms or icy gusts. To humanoid ears, Glacian may sound eerie or even disconcerting. Words seem to hang in the air like frost on a windowpane before fading into silence. This auditory quality makes it distinct from both Auran’s airy whispers and Aquan’s fluid resonance. The linguistic features of Glacian reveal much about the culture of its speakers. Ice para-elementals and other denizens value endurance, precision, and clarity—traits essential for survival in their harsh environment. The structured syntax reflects the deliberate nature of the dialect; pauses between phrases are common and meaningful. This measured pace fosters contemplation and careful thought among its speakers.
Syntax: Unlike the fluidity typical of Auran, Glacian employs a more fixed word order and precise grammatical rules. Sentences are constructed in a manner that prioritizes clarity and stability over poetic expression. The rules of Glacian have not changed in thousands of years, which makes the dialect feel archaic to speakers of other Auran dialects. Statements always follow a strict subject-verb-object structure, with modifiers are placed directly adjacent to the words they describe, avoiding ambiguity. Repetition of of words is used to emphasize key points.
Vocabulary: Glacian incorporates numerous terms specific to cold environments and icy phenomena. The old myth of one hundred words for snow is actually true, as terms for the properties of snow, frost, glaciers, and freezing winds abound, each with subtle distinctions based on texture or intensity. ‘Krythar’ is a soft powdery snow, ‘Thrysk’ is hard-packed ice, and ‘Hrymn’ is an all-encompassing blizzard.

On the Quasi-Elemental Plane of Lightning, Auran transforms into a dialect known as Zynar. Here, the language reflects the crackling energy and rapid shifts inherent to this electrified realm. Lightning quasi-elementals and storm djinn are its primary speakers. The rapid pace of Zynar mirrors the volatile nature of its speakers. Conversations in this dialect can feel confrontational to outsiders but are seen by natives as invigorating exchanges charged with vitality.
Phonetics: Zynar is characterized by staccato rhythms, clicks and sharp tonal shifts that mimic the sound of thunderclaps or electrical discharges. Non-electrical beings can simulate these by clapping their hands, something which lightning elementals find particularly amusing. Vowel sounds are elongated and resonate with an almost metallic timbre.
Syntax: The syntax becomes more abrupt and punctuated. Sentences often end with rising intonations that resemble the buildup of static energy before a lightning strike.
Vocabulary: Zynar introduces many terms for electrical phenomena, such as “spark-dance” or “storm-vein.” These words often carry dual meanings, reflecting both literal and metaphorical concepts.

The Para-Elemental Plane of Smoke, a fusion of air and fire, gives rise to a creole of Auran and Ignan known as Eshn among its native speakers, a language that is understandable to speakers of both. It is primarily used by smoke para-elementals, smoke drakes, and smoke mephits who traverse the hazy expanse. The language here is marked by a raspy and crackling quality, as though words are filtered through smouldering embers. The dense atmosphere on the plane necessitates brevity and clarity, fostering a culture that values efficiency in speech while retaining a lyrical quality.
Phonetics: Eshn incorporates hissing consonants and guttural undertones that mimic the sound of burning or the escape of steam. Words are often punctuated by sharp inhalations or exhalations that resemble coughing. Planewalkers suffering a coughing fit on the plane os Smoke be warned!
Syntax: The syntax of Eshn remains fluid like Sussuran but leans toward shorter phrases. The constant interference of soot-laden air makes prolonged speech impractical; thus, meaning is condensed into succinct bursts.
Vocabulary: Unique words describe phenomena unique to Smoke, such as “ashyness” or “emberness”. These terms are often metaphorical, reflecting the poetic tendencies of smoke elementals. There are many words for the consistency and heat of smoke, for the scent of differet items as they combust, and for different kinds of obscuring haze.

In the Quasi-Elemental Plane of Vacuum, where even air is absent, Auran adapts into a dialect called Shryth. This is spoken primarily by vacuum quasi-elementals and other rare entities capable of surviving in this void-like environment. Communication in Shryth emphasizes introspection and understanding through shared silence. Silences of different lengths have distinct meanings, for example. Its speakers value contemplation over verbosity, reflecting a culture steeped in philosophical inquiry and the notion of absence.
Phonetics: Shryth is nearly silent; in the void itself, delivery depends on distance. At range, lipreading, or interpretation of body or sign language is the way to go. In close proximity, Shryth relies on subtle vibrations transmitted through touch rather than audible sounds. This is the only way to deliver a secret message to one recipient only. When vocalized in environments with air, Shryth resembles faint whispers or echoes.
Syntax: The syntax of Shryth is minimalist to an extreme degree. Words are stripped down to their essential components, with context carrying much of the meaning. Redundancy is avoided at all costs.
Vocabulary: Shryth has its own abstract vocabulary for concepts like “void-hunger” or “silence-weave”, reflecting the existential nature of life in Vacuum.
Source: Jon Winter-Holt. Canonwatch: Auran is the name of the language of the Plane of Air from the D&D canon. Pathfinder calls it Sussuran. I figured each of the neighbouring para- and quasi-elemental planes would have their own twist on a dialect—and these are all homebrew. So I’ve combined the two, and suggest Auran could be the name of the whole language family and Sussuran the dialect or Air. However, fragmenting languages across every single Inner Plane would create an unwieldy number of tongues to learn—so I suggest they should each be mutually intelligible to speakers of the other dialects. (Canonically, all four major elemental plane languages are said to be intelligible as well, which I think it perhaps a stretch too far the other way.) The canon is also confusing about the script used to write Auran, with some sources suggesting the Iokharic script used by draconic languages and others the Dwarven runic script. No idea what that’s about. I’m not (quite) nerdy enough to make up a new alphabet but I had some fun mocking up some ideas of what the written version of each dialect might look like, let me know what you think!
So would that mean Fire language and Aquan would have their own dialects in Smoke and Ice?
Ah now that’s a really good point… thanks, something I’d not considered yet! I shall be sure to address in future pieces about other elemental languages.
Also those paraelemental planes would probably speak both of their composite’s language, ie, magma would speak Ignan and Terran. Which is interesting for communal language stuff.