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Sign of One
“I think, therefore I am…dangerous”
—Signer proverb
Beauty is in the Eyes of the Beholder

So say the Signers, at least. They believe that unless there’s someone to observe the Multiverse it might as well not exist. Or even that it wouldn’t exist. See, some of them reckon that the Multiverse is actually a creation of their own minds; perhaps that of the faction as a whole, perhaps that of one particular cutter they call The One. So, if they believe something is beautiful, it becomes beautiful.
Come to think of it, that doesn’t sound too unreasonable. It’s just when they start talking about changing the course of Fate and Time with their barmy Think Tanks (groups of factioneers who sit around imagining all day), that a body starts to have his doubts. Here then is a gathering of Signer lore and philosophy, so a body can make his own mind up, free from my scepticism. They say a body either swallows their screed completely or finds it too ridiculous to consider, and I know where I stand.
It’s just when Dead Things Stir on the Astral, I have to consider eating my words…
“I think, therefore you are”
—Another Signer proverb

Faction Headquarters
- None — While formerly the keepers of the Hall of Speakers, the Sign of One was officially disbanded following the Faction War, and the surviving members merged with the Believers of the Source to form the new Mind’s Eye faction.
Philosophy by Numbers
- Reflections of the Infinite — The multiverse is a canvas on which a Signer paints her thoughts, a mirror in which they can be seen…
Current Chant
- Sick Minds — There’s a killer on the loose, and the last few remaining Signers are dropping like flies. Can this terror be stopped?
Source: Jon Winter-Holt, mimir.net
See Also: kriegstanz.com, a Signer D&D 3rd edition conversion here