

[ Guardinals ] [ Custodian | Luminary | Scout | Yeoman ] [ Paragons ]


Harborwing (planar ardeidal guardinal companion of xxxxx [she/her] / NG)

Portfolio: Coastal waters, fisherfolk, flying creatures

Realm: Elysium / Thalasia / Sea of No Shadows / Skyward Cliffs

Ylimancha, also known as Harborwing, is an ardeidal agathion paragon who embodies the harmony of coastal waters, the wisdom of fisherfolk, and the freedom of flying creatures. With her dual forms—a graceful humanoid with the head of an osprey and a wide windspan, or a pure white seagull with a woman’s face—Ylimancha bridges the realms of sea, sky, and shore. Her voice is the soothing echo of crashing waves, inspiring either energy or calm in those who hear her, as she desires. Ylimancha’s is nurturing yet firm, merciful yet unyielding. She has a deep love for the creatures of the skies and coasts—and consequently harbours a bitter resentment toward her ancient rival Pazuzu for corrupting so many winged beings at the dawn of time. Her conflict with the Abyssal lord fuels her vigilance, as she tirelessly defends avian souls from his insidious influence.

Ylimancha’s philosophy of goodness revolves around balance, stewardship, and freedom. She teaches that life thrives when balance is maintained—between taking from nature and giving back, between freedom and responsibility, and between sea and sky. She urges mortals to care for their environments, protecting coastlines and ensuring that the sea’s bounty is harvested wisely. Freedom reflects her belief that all beings, especially those who take to the skies, are meant to soar unburdened by corruption or oppression. Her concept of goodness is not static—it flows like tides and rides on winds.

Her realm, the Skyward Cliffs, is a magnificent golden aerie perched against the Sea of No Shadows in Thalasia. Here, sheer cliffs rise into endless skies while waves crash below. The aerie is a sanctuary for winged creatures seeking refuge from Pazuzu’s influence and a place where mortal avians can learn to live in harmony with the seas.

Source: Chronicle of the Righteous [PF1e] p28; Jon Winter-Holt

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