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The Stalwart Stair (planar bombyxial guardinal companion [she/her] / NG)
Portfolio: Elevation, incorruptibility, resisting temptation
Realm: Elysium / Thalasia / Ascendant Hive
Ondisso, the Stalwart Stair, is a guardinal empyreal lord who inspires cutters to rise above temptation and ascend to greater heights of strength and incorruptibility. Her sacred symbol, the bee, reflects her philosophy of tireless effort, communal harmony, and the well-earned sweet rewards of a virtuous life. Ondisso’s doctrine is that each step a cutter takes upwards represents a small triumph over temptation or adversity. She teaches that the journey toward goodness is not made in a single leap but as a steady climb, where each choice made with integrity builds upon the last, creating a foundation for lasting virtue. Just as bees transform nectar into honey through dedication and cooperation, Ondisso believes that through discipline and unity, even flawed beings can refine themselves into something pure and enduring. And with the support of their community behind then, they can achieve the incredible. Goodness however is not an innate state but requires continual and conscious effort—one achieved through resilience, cooperation, and unwavering hope.
Her teachings resonate as a call to transcend the chaos of temptation and corruption that permeates much of the Great Ring. Her island realm in Thalasia is known as the Ascendant Hive, a luminous sanctuary where golden staircases spiral endlessly upward through radiant gardens of flowering vines tended by celestial bees. The Hive serves as both a literal and symbolic space: pilgrims climb its steps in meditation, contemplating their struggles while drawing strength from the buzzing harmony around them.
Ondisso appears as an androgynous figure with shimmering wings like stained glass, her voice soft yet resolute as she guides others to resist despair and temptation. Her agents travel the planes to find and aid those faltering under the weight of moral challenges, offering wisdom and encouragement to help them take their next step upward.
Source: Chronicle of the Righteous [PF1e] p54; Jon Winter-Holt