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The Horned Duke (planar cervidal guardinal companion [he/him] / NG)
Portfolio: Humility, versatility, wit
Realm: Elysium / Eronia / The Prancing Peak
Manath, the Horned Duke, is the newest member of Talisid’s Five Companions and the paragon of the cervidals. He brings a fresh perspective and a lively energy to the legendary band of guardinal champions. With his curling golden horns, reddish-brown fur that transitions to smooth golden skin, and his confident, can-do-anything attitude, Manath embodies both humility and versatility.
Known for his sharp wit and prancing tongue, Manath has quickly charmed his fellow Companions with his colloquial mannerisms and sense of fun, offering a lighter counterbalance to the gravitas of his peers. Despite his jovial nature though, Manath is deeply committed to his role as a protector of Elysium. His philosophy emphasises adaptability and perseverance; he teaches that even in the face of overwhelming odds, one must find creative solutions to overcome challenges. Though he feels the weight of stepping into the hoofprints of his predecessor, the curmudgeonly Duke Rhanok, Manath approaches his duties with confidence and an eagerness to learn from the Companions, in return offering them an opportunity for their growth through fresh perspectives. His home in Eronia, the Prancing Peak, reflect his mountain goat heritage—more cliff face than pleasant meadow—filled with the spray from cascading waterfalls, the scent of edelweiss and the playful clatter of hooves on rock.
Source: Book of Exalted Deeds [3e] p142-143; Jon Winter-Holt