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The Saviour Hound (planar caninal guardinal companion [she/her] / NG)
Portfolio: Charity, the disadvantaged, volunteering
Realm: Elysium / Amoria / The Hearth of Open Hands
Lorris, the caninal paragon of charity, is the embodiment of selflessness. She’s dedicated herself to serving the disadvantaged, lifting up the underdog, and fostering a spirit of generosity among all beings. With a warm smile and approachable demeanour, Lorris appears as a humanoid dog whose form shifts to reflect the traits of various breeds—sometimes a sturdy St. Bernard offering strength and support, at other times a sprightly terrier symbolising boundless energy and determination. Her fur glows faintly, and her kind eyes radiate encouragement and hope. Lorris’ philosophy emphasises the power of giving, teaching that acts of charity—whether grand or small—can ripple outward to inspire change in the world. Unlike the Ring-Givers sect—who give so that they will receive more back in return in the future—the generosity of Lorris has no strings attached and no expectations. She tirelessly advocates for the vulnerable, ensuring that no one is forgotten or left behind. Her followers will often appear in times of crisis to organise relief efforts or empower communities to help themselves. Lorris’ realm in Amoria is known as The Hearth of Open Hands, a welcoming sanctuary where beings from all walks of life gather to share stories, resources, and hope. Though she is a pacifist at heart, Lorris will defend the helpless with fierce loyalty if that’s what’s needed, though it’s more likely that the many cutters she’s helped in the past will step in front of her to take on any blows against her. Loris embodies the ideal that true strength lies in serving others with love and humility—and anyone who dares threaten her will have the fury of the many friends she’s made along the way to answer to.
Source: Inner Sea Gods [PF1e] p322; Jon Winter-Holt