

[ Guardinals ] [ Custodian | Luminary | Scout | Yeoman ] [ Paragons ]


The Open Hand of Harmony (planar guardinal companion [he/him] / NG)

Portfolio: Meditation, kindness, redemption

Realm: Elysium / Thalasia / The Dream Lotus

Korada, the Open Hand of Harmony, is an guardinal lord who is the epitome of the transformative power of meditation. With his golden fur, three tails, and wearing simple monk’s robes, Korada is an easily recognised figure, and an approachable one too. Although getting his attention might be harder than you expect, for he’s known to fall into meditative trances so deep that it’d take a maelephant’s trumpet to snap him out before he’s ready. His gentle philosophy is a blending of contemplative wisdom with animal instinct. He believes that the ultimate triumph of good will not come from the destruction of evil, but from its redemption, which must be hard-won through compassion and understanding.

Ever the philosopher and diplomat, Korada uses his insight into the interconnectedness of all things to guide others toward harmony. His home, the Dream Lotus, is a tranquil floating palace city in Thalasia where violence is forbidden, and any cutter seeking balance is welcome to meditate at its sacred pools. Though he abhors violence, Korada’s martial skill is legendary; he effortlessly employs animal-inspired combat styles to disable foes without resorting to lethal force, preferring instead to use humour and trickery to disarm even the most dangerous opponents. Revered by monks, clerics, awakened animals, samsaran, and redeemed souls alike, Korada inspires his followers to confront wickedness with mercy and to find strength in the power of forgiveness. His gentle lesson is that true power lies not in domination but in the ability to heal and transform.

Source: Bestiary 4 [PF1e] p89-90; Gods & Magic [PF2e] p128; Jon Winter-Holt

One comment

  1. KingCorn

    I had something similar, where I had Sun-Wukong take a troop of Priminals (ape-guardinals) with him and through some contests deposed the current Animal Lord of Apes in the Beastlands, and is now trying to establish himself as the top animal lord.
    Meanwhile, the Celestial Court is trying to take advantage of the situation to gain influence in the beastlands.

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