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Fearless Claw (planar felinal guardinal companion [he/him] / NG)
Portfolio: Cowards, the untested, youths
Realm: Elysium / Eronia / Pavilion of the Brave
Jaidz, the Fearless Claw, is a majestic black tiger with ghostly spots, and a guardinal lord who’s the patron of cowards. Now if that sounds like a strange choice for a guardinal paragon, and a panther one at that, bear with me. See, he doesn’t celebrate the state of cowardice itself—in fact, he’s a compassionate blood who tries to help the fearful find their bravery, and the inexperienced make their first faltering steps towards heroism. His philosophy revolves around nurturing valour in those who lack it, for he believes that cowardice is not a flaw to be scorned, but an obstacle to be overcome through kindness and mentorship. This makes Jaidz a beacon for those who want to transform their fears into purpose. Youths and the uncertain often seek his wisdom, hoping to find the strength to face life’s challenges. He teaches them that true bravery is not the absence of fear, but the resolve to act in spite of it. His proxies are known to travel the planes, in disguise of course, providing trials of courage to help mortals discover their hidden potential.
When he’s not a black tiger, Jaidz still cuts a striking figure—a dark-skinned man with white-streaked hair, golden catlike eyes, and a long black tail. Whatever shape he’s assumed, Jaidz steps softly in all things, keen that his presence should inspire rather than intimidate those he seeks to aid. From the Pavilion of the Brave, a palace of black walnut and gold lattice that crouches atop one of Eronia’s Dragonmane Mountains, Jaidz watches out over the anxious and untested.
Source: Chronicle of the Righteous [PF1e] p16; Inner Sea Gods [PF1e] p322; Jon Winter-Holt