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The Tempered Inventor (planar loxodontal guardinal companion [he/him] / NG)
Portfolio: Creativity, invention, persistence
Realm: Elysium / Eronia / Tempered Workshop and Unflawed Vault
Bharnarol is a guardinal paragon known as the Tempered Inventor, and he embodies the ideals of creation, preservation, and responsibility. The curious and inventive will find Bharnarol’s workshop nestled in the foothills of Eronia’s Dragonmane Mountains. He’s a loxodontal—an elephantine humanoid celestial. With his muscular arms, huge ears and trunk of silver skin, polished ivory tusks and sparkling eyes, he’s a beacon of clever creativity. He typically dresses in an apron decorated with symbols of invention—anvils, forges, pulleys, and the like.
Bharnarol’s philosophy is that creation is sacred, and that all inventions—no matter how dangerous or misguided they might seem—must be preserved as reflections of ingenuity. When encountering crafters he believes are at risk of unleashing harm upon the multiverse, he will intervene with guidance and logic—but he’s unafraid to use force if necessary. Bharnarol cannot bring himself to destroy even the foulest creations, however; instead he secures them in the Unflawed Vault beneath his forge. As a mentor to artisans and protector of invention’s potential, Bharnarol represents the balance between creativity and accountability. And as a guardian of knowledge and innovation, by stepping in when inventions are misused he ensures that the fruits of creation can serve the greater good.
Source: Jon Winter-Holt; Chronicle of the Righteous [PF1e] p8; Divine Mysteries [PF2e] p192-193