Eladrin, Mairne
Eladrin, Mairne

Eladrin, Mairne

[ Eladrin ] [ Aestetica | Empyreal Lords ]

Mairne Eladrin

Also known as: sailor azata

Who voyage the Seven Seas and far, far beyond

CG; CR 5 ‡

Mairne (MAIR-nee) eladrin are strikingly attractive creatures whose lithe forms evoke the beauty and mystery of the ocean. Their skin shimmers like the surface of water under moonlight, ranging in hue from deep sapphire to translucent aquamarine to the white of sea-foam. Their hair flows like seaweed caught in gentle currents, and it’s often adorned with pearls, coral fragments, or bioluminescent accents. Their eyes are pools of liquid light, resembling the waters of the Seventh Sea. They’re also able to assume an alternate form, a pulsating sphere of perfectly clear Astral water.

Mairne eladrin embody the ideals of exploration and freedom. They promote goodness with act of discovery and connection—charting unknown waters and sharing the information, forging bonds between civilisations and worlds, and celebrating the beauty and vitality of life wherever they sail. Their nature manifests in their belief that kindness and heroism should be unbound by rigid rules or borders. To them, ethics are fluid, like the seas they traverse, and should be adapted to fit to circumstances, while maintaining an intrinsic purity. Mairne will aid lost travellers or stranded souls in Wildspace or the Astral Sea, guided by a deep sense of empathy.

Mairne eladrin are found in aquatic environments on multiple planes. They thrive in the oceans of Ossa, the shimmering Silver Sea of Lunia, the Hintersee of the Outlands, and even the dangerous waters of the Styx—though such adventures are rare and perilous. Their ability to take on a water-like form allows them to slip through narrow spaces and evade threats with ease. Mairnes do not require air to breathe and can survive indefinitely underwater. They subsist on energies drawn from the planar seas they traverse rather than traditional sustenance, though they enthusiastically partake in food during social gatherings for camaraderie.

Their connection to the Seventh Sea is unparalleled among celestials. This mysterious planar pathway allows them to access realms that others cannot reach, and makes them invaluable guides for cutters seeking hidden or forbidden aquatic places.

Mairne eladrin are solitary by nature but readily form deep bonds with the ships or spelljammers they choose as their vessels. These vessels become extensions of their being, imbued with subtle celestial magic that enhances speed and durability. While mairnes rarely gather in large groups, they maintain loose networks with other eladrin and aquatic races like sea elves or novieres. These connections often revolve around sharing tall tales of exploration, mutual aid during crises, or boisterous sea shanties.

The currents guide us, but the choice to follow is ours

—Mairne saying

Their society lacks formal hierarchies; instead, mairnes respect each other based on the reputation of their deeds and discoveries. They celebrate their achievements through storytelling—often weaving songs and poetry about their voyages.

Mairnes are enigmatic yet approachable, often appearing unexpectedly in the midst of heavy storms, in empty seas or unnaturally calm weather to offer guidance or assistance before vanishing into the waves once more. For those who encounter them, they are guardians of freedom and protectors of planar waterways—and a living embodiment of the spirit of adventure itself.

Source: Margarita and Jon Winter-Holt. Canonwatch: ‡ This is a homebrew creature.

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