Court of Stars
Court of Stars

Court of Stars

[ Eladrin ] [ Aestetica | Paragons | Court of Stars ]

Court of Stars

Location: Arborea / the Feywild / the Prime [wandering]

The Court of Stars is the most influential tulani court, the representative of eladrin in the Parliament of Concordance and the closest thing they have to celestial paragons. It is ruled by Queen Morwel, an ancient, beloved and powerful tulani—and by her numerous consorts. The Court is hidden in a wandering inter-dimensional space, and portals to it can be found throughout Arborea, the Prime, the Feywild and indeed on many other planes. The Court usually manifests as an autumn forest, full of eladrin and fey creatures. In the centre, the Queen’s Palace is a beautiful place made of swirling transparent crystals. It is usually full of visitors, who attend parties and shower Queen Morwel with gifts.

Queen Morwel

Morwel, Queen of the Eladrin

Queen of the Eladrin (planar tulani eladrin [she/her] / CG)

Beautiful, wise and brave, Queen Morwel (pronounced: MORE-well) is considered by many eladrin to be a perfect fit for their representative. In fact, she was already very influential way back when eladrin fought obyriths. Many bashers find it weird that eladrin have had a single queen for so many centuries. Well, that’s because Morwel isn’t really a ruler in a way that Zaphkiel or Asmodeus are. She has a lot of eladrin (including other tulani), who consider themselves her subjects and do what she asks of them, but like any eladrin she has no formal power. In fact, there were years when some other tulani were chosen to represent the eladrin race in the Parliament. But make no mistake—Queen Morwel has incredible powers, though she cannot compare with actual Powers. Obviously, Morwel is very influential too. She often hosts lavish parties in her palace that double as strategic meetings. Of course, Morwel isn’t alone in her court. She has many consorts, romantic interests and just friends, all of whom live with her in her palace.


Faerinaal, First Garrison of Androlynne

The Prince of Dreams (planar tulani eladrin [he/they] / CG)

This incredibly handsome, but surprisingly responsible tulani is second only to Morwel in terms of raw power. He is the de-facto leader of the eladrin garrison in Androlynne, and spends much of his time there. Faerinaal (fair-in-NAHL) is a brilliant strategist and a powerful spellcaster, who has mastered the magic of dreams. However, aside from rare moments of deep thought, he’s surprisingly joyful and even mischievous. Morwel adores his jokes, and he has a lot of other romantic partners, including Gwynharwyf and Quarian.


Gwynharwyf, defender of the Court

The Princess of Barbarians (planar bralani and/or shiradi eladrin [she/he] / CG)

A noble barbarian, a silver-haired warrior of eladrin and the third most powerful member of the Court of Stars, Gwynharwyf (GWIN-hah-wif) has been a part of Morwel’s family for a long time. She finds delight in righteous battle, and many like-minded eladrin join her, whenever she declares a crusade against forces of the Abyss or other wicked creatures like Kostchtchie. Often, other members of the Court of Stars have to actively restrain her from plunging into battle. Gwynharwyf is exceptionally strong, unlike the lovers she takes who tend to be more magically inclined, and she has many barbarian abilities. She springs into battle, wielding her signature scimitars or transforming herself into the sparkling storm of sand. Gwynharwyf is less partial to loud parties than most eladrin, and prefers to the company of Morwel and Faerinaal. She’s surprisingly gentle with those she loves.


Quarian, the Royal Chef-Wizard

Royal Chef-Wizard (planar litriti-adjacent eladrin [he/him] / CG)

This eladrin looks more like a well-fed dwarf with weird pink skin with yellow freckles. Quarian (KWA-ree-an) is a cook and a farmer of the Court of Stars. He keeps a small, but beautiful garden, which supplies his comrades and guests with food. Quarian always seeks new recipes and ingredients, and is willing to pay good sums to adventurers who can surprise him. He is a laid-back blood, known for always having a warm and satisfied smile on his face. Morwel and Faerinaal are among his many admirers, and he has taught many apprentices in his kitchen. However, do not be mistaken, cutter, Quarian is a powerful mage with countless tricks up his sleeves. He uses plant-based spells and special ingredients on anyone who dares to attack his chosen family. Chant says his advice was invaluable in building (growing?) the demiplane in which the Court of Stars is located.


Illaraste the Impeccable

Sovereign Fashionista (planar goethi eladrin with some firre traits [they/them] / CG)

Illaraste (ill-ah-RAST-ee) is a fabulous goethi, a pale brunette with a stunning gaze (quite literally) and an impeccable taste in clothing. They are considered a fashion icon in the eladrin community, although they don’t take commissions—working only when they feel a streak of passionate inspiration. And this streak can come out at any moment, sometimes in the middle of a meeting. For example, they took one look at the tome archon Domiel and ran away to make him a beautiful magic ring, which the archon wears to this day. Illaraste can be weird, but they are important, as they and their goethi and shiere companions oversee the forests around the Queen’s palace, maintaining its health and eerie beauty. Many ‘stars’ in the sky of the demiplane are, in fact, magical lights that will alert Illaraste of any trespasser in the realm. Others are actually transformed coure, who observe everything happening around the palace. Illaraste abstains from any romantic relationships, but they share a lifetime bond with Quarian, with whom they were friends even before coming to the Court of Stars. Other members of the Court also greatly appreciate their company.


Valyn of the Royal Guard

Court’s Guardian (planar ghaele eladrin [she/they] / NG)

Valyn (VAY-linn) is a relative newcomer to the Court. She’s a neutral good ghaele and a personal bodyguard of Queen Morwel. Some say she is secretly enamoured with someone at the Court, but who? Even some devilish schemes aren’t as complex as the relationship network of this barmy place. Many eladrin consider Valyn to be strange and too reserved, a few even wonder if she’s some kind of double agent. However, she and her ghaele friends are considered guards of the Queen’s palace, and they all seem as unwaveringly loyal as eladrin can be.


Ascodel, former Consort of Morwel (RIP)

The Court of Stars exists for many centuries, but due to immortal nature of eladrin it has seen very few deaths. Two of the deceased members are worthy of mention here—Ascodel and Vaeros—both were tulani. Ascodel (AZ-co-dell) was a mighty blood who led the celestial armies in battle against obyriths. He had a great love towards all eladrin, but, unfortunately, this somehow led to the eladrin being tricked into losing their children. It isn’t clear how, but dreadful Pale Night took advantage of Ascodel’s devotion to his race and made a pact that would (unbeknownst to Ascodel) condemn all eladrin children to being trapped in the 471st layer of the Abyss, Androlynne. The noble consort felt such overwhelming remorse, that despite Morwel swearing her eternal love, he considered himself unworthy of her presence. Ascodel spent more and more time and effort attacking demons and trying to find a way to break the pact, until a fiendish assassin in Arborea ended his life.

Vaeros, also former Consort of Morwel (also RIP)

Vaeros (VAIR-oss) was another, more recent, Queen’s consort. He was a sly and handsome tulani, whom Morwel loved dearly. Vaeros was responsible for protecting inhabitants of Androlynne. He was very successful at this, and pushed demonic armies back to the Mother’s Mountain. However, when eladrin prepared to crush this citadel of evil once and for all, Pale Night emerged. When Vaeros caught a glimpse of her true form, his soul was utterly destroyed—or at least nobody has seen him reincarnate in many years since then. Queen Morwel was devastated to hear about her lover’s fate. She commissioned a grand memorial to Vaeros in her Court.

Allies of the Court

Morwel has plenty of other friends and love-affairs. They include the archomental Ben-Hadar, the brass dragon Ronothere and the androsphinx Krune. The Court of Stars is allied with Seldarine pantheon, many archfey and some other powers, such as Desna.

Canonical Sources: Warriors of Heaven [2e]; Book of Exalted Deeds [3e]

Source: Margarita

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