Verdant Reaper
Verdant Reaper

Verdant Reaper

Tanar’ri, Aconalith — Verdant Reaper

[PF 2e] CR7 plant fiend

Verdant Reapers, (their proper name ‘aconalith’ is only used by graybeard sages) are the caretakers of the Hanging Gardens of the Grand Abyss, are a unique subspecies of tanar’ri born from the souls of wicked leshies, ghorans and other wicked plant creatures. The Abyssal essence of decay and uncontrolled growth mutates their forms into monstrous vine demons, twisted into forms that embody the grotesque beauty and lethal nature of the gardens they tend. These tanar’ri resemble humanoid figures composed of writhing vines, thorny branches, and blooming flowers, their bodies constantly shifting between states of vibrant life and rot. Their eyes glow with an eerie green light, and their limbs end in razor-sharp tendrils or scythe-like claws.

The Verdant Reapers’ Abyssal philosophy revolves around the duality of life and death, which they see as inseparable forces. They believe in “death as a seed,” a cycle where suffering and destruction fertilise new, more chaotic forms of existence, and the more gruesome the death, the more energy is released for growth. This belief drives their work in the Hanging Gardens, where they cultivate plants that celebrate punishment and decay as a form of art. To them, every noose-like vine or carnivorous bloom is a masterpiece of murderous entropy. They arrogantly view themselves as artists rather than mere gardeners, and they are fierce defenders of their creations. Verdant Reapers will use their plant-like abilities to manipulate the gardens themselves in combat, summoning thorny barriers or entangling intruders in deadly vines. Their connection to the gardens is so profound that they can regenerate the following day from its vegetation if they are destroyed, making them nearly difficult to kill within its bounds—only death by fire prevents this regeneration.


  • Pathfinder 2e: monster stats here

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