Void Mephit
FREQUENCY: | Very Rare |
ORGANISATION: | Small group |
ACTIVITY CYCLE: | Any (but prefers night) |
DIET: | Anything |
INTELLIGENCE: | Exceptional (15-16) |
ALIGNMENT: | Neutral Evil |
NO. APPEARING: | 2-4 |
ARMOUR CLASS: | 2 (0) |
MOVEMENT: | 12, Fly 24 (A) |
HIT DICE: | 5 + 5 |
THAC0: | 14 |
DAMAGE/ATTACK: | 1d8+2 / 1d8+2 / 1d10+3 |
SPECIAL ATTACKS: | See below |
MAGIC RESISTANCE: | 100% (but see below) |
SIZE: | M (7′ tall) |
MORALE: | Elite (13-14) |
XP VALUE: | 4250 |

For a long time no-one thought that void mephits existed. After all, the Plane of Vacuum was not thought to sustain any sort of life at all. However, very rarely something large (such as the Doomguard Citadel Exhalus) enters the plane of Void. Because something has come into the plane full of emptiness, the same amount of void is pushed out, (don’t ask me to explain this, just chalk up another one to the Mysteries of the Multiverse.) This void-stuff forms itself into void mephits.
Much larger, stronger and more powerful than other sorts of mephits, void mephits appear as large imps or abishai, with completely black, but somehow also transparent (you’d know what I mean if you saw one) fiendish bodies and baleful red glowing eyes. In fact, they are only called mephits because they are created from their home plane in the same way that other mephits are. Because they are made in this strange manner, void mephits only exist off the Plane of Vacuum…should they try and return to the plane they instantly merge with it an disappear forever. Perhaps it’s this enforced exile from their home that makes them such nasty pieces of work.
COMBAT:Â Void mephits do not have as much stupid pride as other mephits do and they work in small groups. They often attack at night because due to their insubstantial, shadowy form they are much harder to hit at night, (Armour Class of 0). They hide in the shadows, (85% chance) around their victim(s) and leap on them when they least expect it, automatically gaining surprise. Void mephits attack using their sharp claws and their spiked tails, which cause extra damage due to the fact that they are made of nothingness, and they cause painful pulling on the flesh which tries to draw itself into the void. When a void mephit has landed on a victim, it can automatically strike with all its three attacks each round, unless the victim can break free by rolling a strength check to beat the mephit’s strength of 17.
A void mephit’s very nature causes parts of its enemy’s flesh to be sucked into it. Therefore, it can cast the equivalent of a weakness or a feeblemind spell every 4 rounds. Also, by having no heat the mephit emits an aura of extreme cold, which it can focus into any version of an Otiluke’s freezing sphere spell once per day.
A void mephit has no definite shape, (although they seem to prefer the one above) and they can therefore reshape their bodies to fit trough the smallest holes or gaps. They also have complete resistance to many types of magic, because magic can’t hit something which isn’t really anything. Area effect spells aimed at a void mephit’s general location can have the normal consequences, however. By another strange trick of the Multiverse void mephits are affected by normal weapons or natural weapons like claws, although magical weapons have no extra effect.
HABITAT/SOCIETY:Â Void Mephits are usually hired as assassins by high-up fiends. They are thoroughly evil and can live in any habitat, no matter how inhospitable. However, they are hated by other mephits who do not consider them their own brethren, and probably because they are secretly afraid of them, although you would never get a mephit to admit this. Other mephits attack void mephits on sight. Obviously, void mephits cannot gate in other mephits to help them.
ECOLOGY:Â Void mephits will not do anything to help any local ecology they come into. They need to consume 7 square feet of any sort of matter every day by drawing it into their bodies by touch. They usually ‘eat’ their enemies but they will try anything at a pinch. If they are deprived of food for on month (not an easy feat by any means!) then they will disappear with an audible ‘pop’, the magic holding their non-existent body together breaking up and the surrounding air filling the void where they had been.
Source:Â David Whitley and Jon Winter-Holt