Eladrin Paragons
Eladrin Paragons

Eladrin Paragons

[ Eladrin ] [ Aestetica | Paragons | Court of Stars ]

The Empyreal Lords of the Eladrin

Aizen Myo-o †Transformation of desire, intensity, fulfilmentClose to tulani
Ashava †Dancers, lonely spirits, moonlightGoethi / firre
Atonga †Canoes, rowers, singing, birdsMairne
Black Butterfly †Distance, silence, spaceGoethi / mairne
Cernunnos †Fertility, seasons, wild animalsShiere
Chadali †Fate, safety, serendipityTulani
Chucaro †Dreams, hallucinations, mistsClose to litriti
Connla †Tragic heroes, the geased, the anonymousGhaele
Faerinaal *DreamsTulani
The Forgotten †(Free Even from Memory)Forgotten
Gwynharwyf *Battle, storms, loveBralani / shiradi
Hembad †Connections, matchmaking, synergyTulani
Ibeji †Familial loyalty, resilience through loss, childlike joyFirre
Illaraste *Fashion sense, inspirationGoethi
Jalaijatali †Natural music, rapids, waterfallsNoviere / firre
Lada †Beauty, dancing, communityFirre / tulani
Lalaci †Rainbows, relaxation, self-worth, shade
Maahes †Desert storms, knives, swift justiceBralani / ghaele
Marishi †Celebration, contests, sportsShiradi
Morwel *Queen of the EladrinTulani
Muyingwa †Germination of Seeds
Night Monarch †(Servant of Desna)Goethi
Picoperi †Jokes, pranks, surprisesClose to lyrakien
Qetesh †Fertility, sacred ecstasy, sexual pleasureAmori
Quarian *Creative cuisine, exotic flavoursClose to litriti
Reymenda †Childlessness, endings, responsibilityLyrakien
Shei Five Dawns †Lost or deceased?
Sinashakti †Journeys, joy, messengersLitriti
Thisamet †Celebrations, feasts, holidaysTulani
Tsukuyomi †(The Moon)
Valani †Change, growth, primal forces, volcanic islandsBrijidine
Valyn *ProtectionGhaele
Vaeros *DeceasedTulani
Vikramaditya †Generosity, courage, scholars
Some of the better-known eladrin empyreal lords;
* a member of Queen Morwel’s Court of Stars; † from Pathfinder; ‡ homebrew

The empyreal lords are celestial beings who’ve ascended to a demipower-like status, through wiles, might or sheer determination. Like a power, each lord embodies aspects of the primal force of goodness itself. Originating from various celestial races such as eladrin, aasimon, archons, and guardinals, these bloods transcend their original forms through remarkable deeds, divine blessings, or an extraordinary atunement to a particular Outer Planes. While they’re not as powerful as true gods, the empyreal lords nevertheless wield immense influence on the Upper Planes. They serve as paragons of virtue, guiding both mortal and celestial toward righteousness and enlightenment.

Each empyreal lord is a unique entity with their own philosophy and divine aspects. They represent diverse virtues such as freedom, compassion, creativity, and justice, and they tailor their approach to goodness in ways that resonate with their followers. Eladrin empyreal lords, for example, often embody concepts like freedom and joy, inspiring mortals through art, exploration, and heroism. Despite their individuality, these celestial leaders will generally unite against evil and collaborate across racial lines to marshal the forces of good against darkness. Their realms in planes like Arborea, Elysium and Mount Celestia are idealised sanctuaries that reflect the nature of their lord.

Eladrin lords often attract mystery cults of mortal worshippers who share their values and goals—or at least what the mortals interpret as their values. These followers perform daily rituals known as obediences to receive divine blessings and boons from their patrons. While empyreal lords rarely intervene directly in mortal affairs, they will empower their devotees to champion their ideals on the Prime and across the planes. Their influence extends through both their celestial minions, and mortal allies who act as emissaries of goodness across the planes.

The empyreal lords of the eladrin are a diverse and curious bunch. The index here is by no means exhaustive, but lists many of the better-known cutters. This includes the highest of the high-ups, the fabled Court of Stars of the faerie Queen Morwel.

Eladrin Empyreal Lords

Compiled by: Jon Winter-Holt — drawing heavily from Pathfinder 1e Chronicle of the Righteous and Planes of Conflict. Canonwatch: Itzamna has been listed as a non-canonical azata lord by Pathfinder, but I’ve chosen to keep him as the leader of the Maya pantheon. Ogma likewise works better as a Celtic power. However Cernunnos is a complex and multi-facted character and perhaps works best as both a power as well as an eladrin.

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