The Horde Leader, the War Maker, Son of Strife, the Lieutenant of Gruumsh. NE intermediate power of strategy, warfare, planning, courage (He/Him)
Pantheon: Orcish
Symbol: A bloodied longsword
Realm: Acheron / Avalas / Nishrek
Bahgtru’s rival and opposite, Ilneval was once a mortal captain who became a hero-deity and rose in prominence through calculated moves against his peers meant to increase his power, ultimately duelling one of the sons of Maglubiyet on behalf of the One-Eyed God. For his cold and ruthless ambition, he wears the epithet “Son of Strife,” and he has earned his position a thousand times over as Gruumsh’s most capable lieutenant. Of course, the One-Eyed God knows that Ilneval’s true goal is the top job, and Ilneval knows that Gruumsh is aware of this, so an uneasy detente exists between the two. Ilneval is favoured by fighters, marshals, and warblades—he is the divine ideal of the orc captain, the right hand of the warchief, and teaches that brute force can always be toppled with patience, alertness, and planning. He is the god of war and of strategy, and is venerated by weaponsmiths, engineers, archers, scouts, and even traders.
Cold and pragmatic, the Horde Leader has recognised the value of orcish blood in all forms, and openly accepts half-orc and orog followers in numbers no other orc deity can match. His hand may have secretly been behind the creation of the first tanarruks. Ilneval lusts after Luthic in secret, not out of any real attraction but rather because she represents that part of Gruumsh’s scope and power that he still cannot touch. He is leery of Bahgtru (who considers him a friendly rival, if a little disappointingly reserved, because Bahgtru is an idiot) and avoids the god of strength whenever possible, while working to determine how best to deal with him should Gruumsh send Bahgtru to extinguish Ilneval’s ambitions once and for all.
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