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The Voiceless Tragedy (planar bombyxial guardinal companion [they/them] / NG)

Portfolio: Idealism, unrealised potential, young death

Realm: Elysium / Thalasia / Garden of Bittersweet Nectar

Lythertida, the Voiceless Tragedy, is a butterfly-like guardinal lord who embodies the ideals of potential, idealism, and the sorrow of young lives lost too soon. Androgynous in form, Lythertida appears as a humanoid figure with delicate, iridescent wings that shimmer with hues of red and black, both beautiful and fragile. Their eyes glisten with unshed tears, and their silent presence carries a profound sense of loss, but also of and hope. As the embodiment of unrealised potential, Lythertida consoles the souls of those whose lives ended before their time, offering them solace on their island, the Garden of Bittersweet Nectar—a serene realm filled with blooming flowers and hummingbirds that symbolise fleeting beauty and resilience. Psychopomps bring tragic spirits here from the Underlands, secure in the knowledge they will be safe and cared for.

Though they do not talk, Lythertida’s actions speak volumes; they inspire mortals to cherish life’s fleeting moments and strive to fulfil their ideals. Their philosophy emphasises that even in tragedy there is hope, and in loss, there is the reminder to nurture what remains. Worshippers of Lythertida include poets, healers, and mourners who seek to honour the unfulfilled dreams of the departed while spreading messages of compassion and renewal. Through their quiet grace, Lythertida reminds all who encounter them that even in silence and sorrow lies the power to inspire.

Source: Chronicle of the Righteous [PF1e] p54; Jon Winter-Holt

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