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Heart-Speaker (planar leonal guardinal companion [she/her] / NG)
Portfolio: Debate, opinions, truth
Realm: Elysium / Amoria / The Windswept Lea
Eritrice, the leonal guardinal known as the Heart-Speaker, is an outspoken paragon of truthful debate. She embodies the power of words to uncover their hidden wisdom, and inspire understanding. The chant goes that she was born from a single truth that miraculously escaped from the lies of Stygia, and somehow found its way to the Upper Planes. Eritrice stands eight feet tall, with a muscular frame covered in pale brown fur, the head of a lioness with intense amethyst eyes. When in battle, it’s true that she stands out in her rose-gold coloured breastplate, but she commands attention not through her striking appearance, but through her compelling voice, which carried the authority of both heavens and hells.
Her philosophy revolves around the belief that truth is best revealed through spirited debate and respectful disagreement rather than from dogma or by force. From her home, a debating chamber on the sunlit plains of Elysium called the Windswept Lea, Eritrice fosters open dialogue and encourages intellectual growth, reminding all who meet her that truth is not only a weapon against darkness but also a bridge to understanding and harmony. Eritrice tirelessly works to spread her truth across the planes, finding and aiding oppressed individuals to share censored knowledge or counter lies. Her sworn enemy is Geryon, the former archdevil of Stygia, with whom she has clashed with several times over the ages. However, her blunt ways have also earned her enemies in the Upper Planes—let’s just say that the exscinder archons, censors of the libraries of Mount Celestia, are not fans either.
Source: Jon Winter-Holt; Chronicle of the Righteous [PF1e] p12; Divine Mysteries [PF2e] p194